Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to experiment with. Usually, I like to eat the same thing for a while and then switch it up for fun. This week I’m indulging in a little pumpkin spice and dark chocolate with my morning muffin. Looking for something to spice up your morning fill, check out this amazingly yummy Chocolate & Pumpkin Spice English Muffins recipe. [Read more…]
Almond Apple Granola
Granola is one of those healthy, tasty snacks everyone seems to like. I’m definitely in that group. After all, what’s not to like, right? Nuts, cinnamon, butter…yummy! I do prefer to make my own at home though. Homemade Granola is simple and easy to whip up, not mention so much less expensive. This Almond Apple Granola is the perfect granola to try the next time you’re [Read more…]
Strawberry Chocolate Cheesecake Bites
It’s almost the end of the strawberry season, which means I have to start stocking up on fresh strawberries while they’re cheap and tasty. Right now my local grocery store is selling a pound of strawberries for about $4. In about a month they’re going to go up $2-$3, and they’re not even going to taste as yummy! I was inspired by a recipe I found to make these Strawberry [Read more…]
Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites
If you’re a busy mom, like me, and always running out the door—habitually late for life, then you have to put this recipe for Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites on your to-do list. Lately, since my 4-year-old started preschool, I’ve been feeling the pressure to get out the door on time so, of course, something has got to give–I find that it’s usually my [Read more…]
Chocolate Molten Mug Cake
This Chocolate Molten Mug Cake is one of my new favorite desserts! Its warm, chocolatey goodness is so yummy and fulfilling, and because it’s so simple to make—I want to [Read more…]
Chocolate Chip Dessert Hummus
If you’re a raw cookie dough lover, like me, then you will love this Chocolate Chip Dessert Hummus!
I have no shame in admitting my love of raw cookie dough. I’ve been known to eat an entire sheet of Nestle Tollhouse cookie squares—never actually baking them, as intended. Being that summer is right around the corner and so is beach season I thought I’d table my cookie dough obsession for the season and try out something a little more guilt-free. [Read more…]
Easy Rice Pudding

DIY Coconut Larabars
As a mom of a toddler, I’m always running around the house, running out the door, or running around the yard. Gone are the days when I could sit around, relax, and binge watch my favorite Netflix original. Because I’m perpetually in hurry to get places, I sometimes forget to grab a snack. I like to eat things that I can pop in my mouth that aren’t salty and starchy—you know all the things a toddler loves. [Read more…]
Mini Apple Pies
Around my house, there’s one thing that’s synonymous with the holidays and that’s my Grandma’s Apple Sheet Pie. For the past 15 years, I’ve been making my Grandma’s apple pie recipe exactly the way she taught me so many years ago. Up until now I never dreamed of changing it, not even a smidge! While I still didn’t change the ingredients, I did mix it up a little with these [Read more…]
Taco Mac & Cheese Crock-Pot Meal
If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know that I’m a crock pot mom. My Crock-Pot is a kitchen essential and without it I’d probably be feeding my kid Kraft mac and cheese every day. Not that he would object because who doesn’t love Kraft mac and cheese! When I’m not feeling extra lazy, I shelf the Kraft and whip up some of this homemade mac and cheese with a bit of a twist. One of my new favorite go-to dinner recipes is this Taco Mac & Cheese Crock-Pot Meal. I substitute the beef with [Read more…]
Raspberry Orange Bites
I’m always in search of a yummy treat that I can serve my toddler, he’ll taste it, and he’ll actually want a second bite of it. This raspberry orange roll is adapted from a cranberry orange recipe I came across while on the hunt for something new. This Raspberry Orange Bites recipe came about mostly because I didn’t have cranberries on hand so the Raspberry Orange Bite was born.
I love making mini bites or mini muffins because they’re the perfect size for my toddler’s tiny hands. These particular bites have very few ingredients, which is my favorite ways to cook, and they’re ready to eat in 6 simple steps. [Read more…]
Easy Sesame Pork Stir Fry
I’m always on the lookout for a quick and easy dinner recipe. My wheelhouse is 5 ingredients or less! After working all day and taking care of a 2-year-old, I desperately need a quick and easy dinner recipe or odds are I’m not cooking.
To be honest, I don’t do a lot of the cooking. My husband and I share a lot of the responsibilities when it comes to the housecleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. But when it comes to meal prep, [Read more…]
10 DIY Summer Popsicles
Hot Florida summer days call for some major cool down tactics around my house. My tiny toddler works up a major sweat running around the park and blowing bubbles in the backyard. DIY Summer Popsicles are an easy and healthy way to cool down overheated children without feeling guilty about [Read more…]