Organizing any part of our living or work areas can feel overwhelming. Keeping our office or home office organized usually feels more stressful because no one wants important tasks or paperwork to fall through the cracks. The purpose of being organized is to be able to find the things we need when we need them and then, hopefully, be more productive. I don’t know about you, but when I can get more things done with less stress, I’m able to spend time with the people I care about while enjoying life more. It also feels good to have a neat and attractive workspace. If this sounds good to you, check out my go-to 10 Office Organization Ideas and keep your office organized and clutter-free.
Lego Minifig Display
If your kids are into Legos, then you know there are always mini figurines scattered everywhere. The dilemma is deciding what to do with them. We have the answer! Assembling this charming Lego Minifig Display is straightforward, and it can be mounted on the wall. It complements shelves where your child’s other displays are showcased.
Mini figurines come with nearly every Lego set; they’re a staple. I confess I’ve occasionally discarded some because my son isn’t as interested in them compared to the primary Lego construction. I know. Lego enthusiasts are cringing everywhere!
5 Ways to Increase the Power of Focus
If you’re like me and most of the women I know, you’ve got a lot going on all the time! With so much going on, it isn’t always easy to focus on the task at hand, even with the best of intentions. Because of this, I’m always looking for tips and tricks to help me be more focused and, in turn, more productive. These 5 ways to increase the power of focus are simple practices that have helped me sharpen this skill.
Master Bedroom Closet Reorganization Tips
Last year, for our anniversary, my husband gave me one of the best gifts he’s ever gotten me…a closet makeover! For the past 9 years, we’ve had the same closet with the standard wire racks all around the top. While this type of closet design is fine for most, my husband and I had been using separate closets for the past 9 years- me using our master bedroom closet and him using our son’s playroom closet. We both have way too many clothes and shoes and not enough space so it was time for a change! After multiple rack falls and fixes, I reorganized [Read more…]
Learning to Let Go
Last week, I cut my hair for the first time since August 2015. My stylist cut 12 inches off and I do not miss that hair for a second. I don’t cut my hair very often and it grows pretty fast so I’m not very attached to it. Which is odd for me because I am usually attached to everything.
My big problem with letting things go is that I tend to assign a sentimental value to a lot of things. Or I feel like I’m going to need it and can find a way to use it. On top of not letting stuff go easily, I also really love shopping.
How to Cut Back on Paper Towels
Using too many paper towels around the house is my biggest vice when it comes to lowering my carbon footprint. Every time I swear I’m going to do better, I end up slipping back into my old bad habit. Then I give up for a while and concentrate on other eco-friendly practices that, for me, seem easier to adopt.
I don’t really know why the paper towel habit has been so hard to kick. Years ago I practiced eco-friendly habits like using cloth napkins and canvas grocery bags before it became popular. Then owning and running a business along with raising three kids consumed all my physical and mental energy and those practices got put aside. While I’ve gotten back to my old eco-friendly practices, this paper towel thing has been, I like said, a hard habit to break.
Food Pantry Organization Tips
If you’ve read some of my other posts, you know I have a thing for organization. In my house, no bookshelf goes unstyled, wardrobes are color-coordinated, bins are labeled—everything has a home. And now my food pantry is perfectly adorned with beautiful crisp white bins and seagrass baskets, each filled and labeled for easy access.
This project has been on my list for about a year and I’m so excited to have finally crossed it off the list!
I must admit, I didn’t do it all on my own. My husband helped with installing the new shelves which we got from Home Depot. He replaced the standard wire racks with white faux wood boards. Since Home Depot doesn’t sell a closet kit with white boards, my husband cut each piece to be customized to fit our pantry. He also put a fresh coat of white paint on the closet walls. [Read more…]
How To Make Decluttering Easier
Decluttering possessions is something I tend to do on an ongoing basis, and I do a lot of it right after the holidays. It’s the perfect time to declutter, of course, because with so many new items to put away, old ones have to go. This is so true when you have small children and they receive a barrage of new toys for Christmas!
This January I’ve done a lot of decluttering. Even though I’ve always done my usual decluttering, this year was different. For the past several years, my extra time has been taken up by health issues surrounding my [Read more…]
Goal Setting and Beyond
I’ve been taking the last few days, like a lot of other people, to think about goal setting for 2018 and beyond. But this year, goal setting is more of a struggle. Most of this is due to the fact that I’m going through a lot of transition and change in different areas of my life. There have been so many milestones in my life this past year—finally finishing my bachelor’s degree, my youngest graduating high school and then starting college, and of course Christina’s wedding and all the preceding festivities.
School Supplies for Adults
Summer is coming to close and school is back in session (at least here in Florida) and we’re all excited about it.
While I haven’t been in school for years, “school” supplies are still my favorite thing ever. I guess you could also call it stationary and office supplies. At my corporate finance job, we were obsessed with office supplies. We were always buying new sticky notes, notebooks, pens, and anything else we could find for each other. This year I had at least 3 new planners.
I think anyone who shares the obsession understands why back to school is fun for everyone, not just students.