It’s almost the end of the strawberry season, which means I have to start stocking up on fresh strawberries while they’re cheap and tasty. Right now my local grocery store is selling a pound of strawberries for about $4. In about a month they’re going to go up $2-$3, and they’re not even going to taste as yummy! I was inspired by a recipe I found to make these Strawberry [Read more…]
Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites
If you’re a busy mom, like me, and always running out the door—habitually late for life, then you have to put this recipe for Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites on your to-do list. Lately, since my 4-year-old started preschool, I’ve been feeling the pressure to get out the door on time so, of course, something has got to give–I find that it’s usually my [Read more…]
6 Easy Steps to Grilling Fruits and Vegetables
Even though it’s still 1000 degrees here in Florida, summer is going to be over soon. I know a lot of you look forward to the whole pumpkin spice thing, but I hate when summer is over because I miss all the fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables. One of the best ways to enjoy the summer bounty of fruits and vegetables is by [Read more…]
Easy Rice Pudding

Pumpkin Honey Muffins

Almond Crusted Fried Green Tomatoes

Grilled Peaches and Blueberries Dessert
Grilled fruit is a tasty summer dessert that’s simple and easy for anyone to make at a moment’s notice. Peaches happen to be one of my favorite grilling fruits because of how easy they are to prepare and because they’re so sweet and delicious. The other day I had a peach and blueberry smoothie and it gave me the idea for grilling blueberries along with [Read more…]
DIY Stress Relief Balm
I recently attended a Young Living workshop in my community with my mom and sister. I didn’t really know what to expect other than a sales pitch about essential oils. We were pleasantly surprised to not only thoroughly enjoy the woman delivering the Young Living “sales pitch” but to also be so drawn in by the way this woman spoke about her journey through discovering the Young Living Essential Oils brand. [Read more…]
DIY Coconut Larabars
As a mom of a toddler, I’m always running around the house, running out the door, or running around the yard. Gone are the days when I could sit around, relax, and binge watch my favorite Netflix original. Because I’m perpetually in hurry to get places, I sometimes forget to grab a snack. I like to eat things that I can pop in my mouth that aren’t salty and starchy—you know all the things a toddler loves. [Read more…]
Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup
It doesn’t have to be winter for me to enjoy a good bowl of soup—especially homemade soup. If I’m making soup, though, it does have to be easy. This Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup recipe is super simple and tasty. You can have a delicious hot bowl of it on your table and ready to eat in less than an hour.
This Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup is also light and healthy. I like to eat it in the evenings for a snack if I’m feeling hungry but I’ve already eaten dinner—or if I had a big lunch and I just want to eat a light dinner.
Everglades Bacon Deviled Eggs
The month of February is commonly known for two things in this country. Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl. Even if you’re not a football fan, you know the Super Bowl. You may not who is playing or what city the big game is in, but you know it’s happening.
I’ll admit, I’m not a football fan. Unless, of course, I’m Netflix binging on some Friday Night Lights!
The only two things that excite me about the Super Bowl are the food and the commercials. For most of the game, you can find me hanging around the snack table talking about how cute the dog and horses were in the Budweiser commercial (the only one that ever sticks in my brain). [Read more…]
Easy Banana Protein Pancakes
I came upon this recipe when my son was experimenting with solid foods. Even from a young age, I could tell he was going to be a picky eater. I originally introduced these yummy Banana Protein Pancakes into his breakfast routine when I was trying to get him to eat more protein. He hadn’t warmed up to the idea or taste of scrambled eggs or even my famous cheese omelet (haha) so I added [Read more…]
Easy Sesame Pork Stir Fry
I’m always on the lookout for a quick and easy dinner recipe. My wheelhouse is 5 ingredients or less! After working all day and taking care of a 2-year-old, I desperately need a quick and easy dinner recipe or odds are I’m not cooking.
To be honest, I don’t do a lot of the cooking. My husband and I share a lot of the responsibilities when it comes to the housecleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. But when it comes to meal prep, [Read more…]