Hello everyone! It has been a while since I’ve checked in from Van life. If you’re new here, let me tell you, I’ve been living in a van with my husband and our dog for the past few months. We started in Florida (home) and journeyed up the east coast visiting many friends and family. In July we came home for a month because it was so darn hot and we had some concerts to see in Tampa and West Palm Beach. Then in August, we started our journey out west with purpose.
Chocolate Avocado Popsicles
I know what you’re thinking…it’s almost the beginning of fall—popsicles? Yes, popsicles! Why, because it’s still 90 something in Florida and will be until mid-December. I originally made these creamy Chocolate Avocado Popsicles for my toddler when he was sick, but I ended up loving them just as much as him! They’re not only healthy but absolutely delicious too! [Read more…]
Summer Tailgate Essentials
Have I mentioned before how much I love the Dave Matthews Band? Every year my husband and I go see them on tour, and one of the best parts is the tailgate! Tailgating before a concert or sporting event is such a great time to be social and hang out with friends and family. It’s the time for food, games, and drinking.
A DMB kind of Summer
This weekend I am seeing the Dave Matthews Band for the first time in 2 years. That may not seem like a long time but for me, it feels like an eternity.
I started seeing the Dave Matthews Band in concert in the summer of 2010. My first concert was in West Palm Beach, Florida and I’ll admit, before the show, I wasn’t the biggest DMB fan. My boyfriend, now husband, was obsessed and I liked them well enough so I thought it’d be fun.
Little did I know that that night would change my life forever.
Vacation Countdown Calendar for Kids
For the past 15 years, our little family, along with my husband’s large side of the family, has been gathering on the white sandy beaches of Captiva Island for our summer ritual of fun and relaxation. One week spent in the same time share, for over thirty years, first began with my husband, his brother and sister, and his parents. A once small, but traditional family vacation, has now turned into a great gathering of friends and family where we share food, wine, laughs, game nights, ice cream, burgers, and more wine. [Read more…]
10 Simple Strawberry Snacks
Now that summer is officially here, fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful. I love having a huge selection of all my favorites available whenever I’m in the mood for their deliciousness. There are lots of them and they taste great! My all-time favorite fruit is strawberries. There are so many different ways to prepare them. [Read more…]
The Perfect Summer Sundress
I have found the perfect sundress.
Have you ever bought a dress – or any piece of clothing – that you just love and wished you had in every color? I have found that dress. It comes in so many colors and patterns, I could buy it in every design and never get sick of it. It’s called the Fit & Flare Cami Dress from Old Navy.
Shopping Addictions and Target Wish list
Last week I wrote a post all about learning to let go – let go of all my stuff since I’m trying to downsize for my upcoming van life adventure. I wrote about how this is a serious struggle for me, not only because I tend to assign a sentimental value to a lot of things – but also because I love to shop. I didn’t emphasize that as much last week because I am working on it. But have to admit, I’m definitely a bit of a shopaholic.
Questions to Ask When Choosing a Wedding Venue

Photography by Lifelong Photography Studio
I recently got married and I could not have picked a better venue. It was absolutely perfect for me and my husband. It totally checked all of our boxes because we knew exactly what we wanted. It’s funny because some friends of ours got married about 5 weeks after us in one of the venues we looked at and almost booked. And even though they are both farm venues, they were completely different feels. That’s why it’s important to ask yourself what you really want when choosing a wedding venue. In our case, we knew we wanted something outdoors and rustic but not too fancy or too country.
So ask yourself: What do you really want?
5 Supernatural Shows to Binge-watch
When times get stressful sometimes all you want to do is escape the daily grind. One of my favorite ways to do that is by indulging in the supernatural/fantasy genre. What better way to get out of your head then to be in a world so unlike your own? Especially right now at the peak of hurricane season in Florida, we’re all still reeling from Hurricane Irma and all I want to do is think about something else.
I’ve always loved fantastical stories. From a young age I was all about Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings; as I’ve gotten older I’m realizing how much I truly love supernatural and fantasy storytelling. Books and TV shows really capture my attention because there is so much content to be consumed and the worlds really open up with long-form entertainment. So I have compiled a list of a few of my favorites, I mean obsession-worthy, supernatural/fantasy TV shows you need to be binge-watching!
August Playlist Favorites
I am constantly listening to music – but more than simply listening – I am waiting. I’m waiting for the next great song to add to my playlist. I am obsessed with finding new music to listen to.
Whether it comes from a movie, a TV show, Spotify alerts, or even commercials (you know I’ve Shazam-ed commercials), I’m always secretly listening to what’s playing in the background everywhere I go.
10 Affordable Fashion Items to Work into Your Wardrobe
While surfing Amazon one night, I got excited when I came across a feature that listed Key Items to Work into Your Wardrobe, so I got inspired to do a post about it. At first, I thought I hit the jackpot – easy shopping all in one place, right? After clicking through and the checking prices of all these cute fashion items I now desperately wanted, I was quickly [Read more…]
How to Survive a Long Car Ride with Your Kids
Road trips are tough on everyone. Especially little kids. Wait, no they’re tougher on the parents. When my little J was an infant, he hated his car seat so car rides were very stressful for Mommy. Even a 2-mile ride to the grocery store felt like a 20-mile ride. I tried everything that I could think of to soothe his cries and keep him entertained. Mirrors, squeaky toys, rattles, teething toys. Nothing worked.
I even took one blogger’s advice and made a [Read more…]