Hot Florida summer days call for some major cool down tactics around my house. My tiny toddler works up a major sweat running around the park and blowing bubbles in the backyard. DIY Summer Popsicles are an easy and healthy way to cool down overheated children without feeling guilty about [Read more…]
Frozen Yogurt Covered Bananas
Meal time is stressful when you have a growing toddler. One day, all is good and they gobble up anything you put in front of them. The next day, they throw it your face. Dry, salty snacks that are loaded with carbs usually do the trick as a quick and easy snack, but they also get boring. If you’re looking for something a bit healthier than the average toddler snack, try these Frozen Yogurt Covered Bananas. They can be whipped up in a hurry from [Read more…]
5 Overnight Oatmeal Recipes
Who says you have to slave over a hot stove every morning making delicious homemade oatmeal?
It’s the 21st-century people and times have changed. Yeah, oatmeal is still the same- nutritiously packed full of fiber, fluffy, and filling but the way you cook it doesn’t have to be the same.
Caring for a one-and-a-half-year-old child and working full time is hard work. Making meals, doing laundry (diapers and clothes), fishing dog food from my child’s mouth, and picking up the hundreds of toy cars is a full-time job in itself. The last thing I want to do is [Read more…]
Natural Teething Remedies
When my son started teething at around four months old, my first instinct for natural pain relief was to let him chew on chilled teething rings (a go-to for most moms). When these classic favorites didn’t do the trick, I tried what seemed like every teething toy imaginable. I now carry around a gallon size zip lock bag in my diaper bag filled with what I refer to as [Read more…]
Low Fat Vegetarian Artichoke Chickpea Quesadilla
I came up with this quesadilla recipe one Saturday afternoon when I didn’t have a lot of food in the house and I didn’t want to go to grocery shopping until Sunday. When I found the artichoke hearts and chickpeas in the pantry (two of my favorite foods) I had a feeling I could come up with something tasty. Then I found the corn tortillas in the fridge and I knew that a delicious meal would soon be on my plate.
Broccoli & Cheese Puffs
This Broccoli & Cheese Puffs recipe is one of my quickest, go-to bite-sized snacks that my toddler loves. They don’t take a lot of effort or forethought. They’re so tasty, I’ve been known to sneak a few myself. [Read more…]
Honey Cornbread Muffins
My family loves my cornbread muffins! They’re delicious, moist, and the honey gives them a little extra but subtle sweetness. I honestly have no problem whatsoever with boxed mixes, but I always had extra cornmeal mix in the cupboard so I came up with my own recipe. Hope you love them as much as my family does. [Read more…]
The Best Creamy Artichoke Dip You’ll Ever Make
This Creamy Artichoke Dip is a big fan favorite in my house whether it’s Superbowl Sunday or any other game day, a holiday, or any day I make it! It’s warm, tasty, and so simple to make. This batch size serves 5 – 7 people– depending on how hungry everyone is! You may want to double it for a larger gathering.
Superbowl Team Cupcakes
The New Year is always an exciting time – most of us are excited to start fresh. Others are more excited for a different reason – playoff football and eventually the Superbowl. I’ve heard it’s kind of a big deal.
For that reason, I have prepared the only way I know how – with the most important thing when it comes to any sporting event –food!
There are always so many options but this year I’ve gone for a more obvious one, with a twist: Superbowl themed cupcakes! Half the cupcakes are colored for one team and half is for the other team. This year it’s the New England Patriots (shocker) versus the Atlanta Falcons. So the colors are red, white, and blue versus red, white, and black. The best part is that I did not distinguish which cupcakes are which teams. So your Falcons guests may unwittingly bite into a Patriots-themed cake.
Football Croissants with Chicken Salad
Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! While we’re all gearing up for the big game; making bets on who will win, which commercials will be the most memorable, and who will have a wardrobe malfunction, we can’t forget the snacks! These Football Croissants with Chicken Salad will add the perfect touch of festivity to any Super Bowl party.
Recipe yields 20-25 Football Croissants with Chicken Salad. [Read more…]
Crispy Parmesan Snow Peas
After the holiday season, with its sweets and treats, we’re probably all going to be thinking about cutting back on the calories for a while. We are, after all, going to have to fit back into our skinny jeans! We might be cutting back on sweets, but this recipe is full of flavor and is a really tasty and healthy treat.
2 Low Calorie No Bake Oatmeal Cookie Recipies
These low-calorie no-bake oatmeal cookies are some of my favorite treats. They also happen to be very healthy. Oatmeal is high in fiber and protein so it stabilizes blood sugar and is filling. I eat oatmeal every morning (yes, EVERY morning!) for breakfast. Because oatmeal is so healthy, I came up with these low-calorie no-bake cookies as a tasty snack: