Simple DIY Lip Balm

Sustainable & Creative Living
by Lisa 6 Comments
by Lisa 10 Comments
I know what you’re thinking…it’s almost the beginning of fall—popsicles? Yes, popsicles! Why, because it’s still 90 something in Florida and will be until mid-December. I originally made these creamy Chocolate Avocado Popsicles for my toddler when he was sick, but I ended up loving them just as much as him! They’re not only healthy but absolutely delicious too! [Read more…]
by Lisa 11 Comments
Grilled fruit is a tasty summer dessert that’s simple and easy for anyone to make at a moment’s notice. Peaches happen to be one of my favorite grilling fruits because of how easy they are to prepare and because they’re so sweet and delicious. The other day I had a peach and blueberry smoothie and it gave me the idea for grilling blueberries along with [Read more…]
by Lisa 5 Comments
Summer fun always includes cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables. For me, raspberries are high on my list of delicious seasonal fruits. They’re right up there with strawberries and watermelon. I eat all of them as often as possible while they’re fresh and easily available. This Raspberry Skillet Cake makes a nice treat for breakfast, bunch, or [Read more…]
by Meagan 7 Comments
It’s almost Easter and bell peppers are in season in sunny Florida. That means I’ll be whipping up one of my go-to summer favorites on the regular—Stuffed Peppers. I don’t cook dinner often, thankfully my wonderful husband has a knack for it, but when I do, this Progresso Soup Stuffed Peppers recipe is always in my rotation. [Read more…]
by Lisa 5 Comments
As Florida winters go, it’s been a cold one this year, and the past few days have definitely been a bit chilly. When it’s cold outside I need the three S’s: sweaters, scarves, and soup. Of course, I usually need these things year round because even when it’s very hot outside, my house and office tend to have the air conditioner turned down so low that I’m always cold no matter what. Easy Broccoli Soup is perfect whether it’s cold outside or just cold inside.
by Lisa 8 Comments
Easy Baked Onion Rings are a quick and simple snack to make when the craving for something crisp, crunchy, and sweet takes over. I like to eat them by themselves, but they’re also tasty as a side dish for soup or salad. They go great with my Easy Low-CalorieTomato Soup. Since they’re baked instead of fried they’re healthier but still feel indulgent and satisfying. Best of all, they’re one of those dishes that I almost always have the ingredients for on hand in my kitchen!
by Lisa 5 Comments
I’m always looking for ways to soften and soothe my tired feet. Still, I often have a hard time sitting still to let my feet soak—even if I happen to be watching T.V. I want to be able to jump up at any time and run and get a drink or find my phone—or whatever. So, if I’m going to confine myself to one spot for 30 minutes, there has to be a worthwhile payoff. This Lavender Peppermint Foot Soak is an excellent way to take care of my feet and relax at the same time.
by Lisa 4 Comments
It doesn’t have to be winter for me to enjoy a good bowl of soup—especially homemade soup. If I’m making soup, though, it does have to be easy. This Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup recipe is super simple and tasty. You can have a delicious hot bowl of it on your table and ready to eat in less than an hour.
This Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup is also light and healthy. I like to eat it in the evenings for a snack if I’m feeling hungry but I’ve already eaten dinner—or if I had a big lunch and I just want to eat a light dinner.
by Meagan 5 Comments
The month of February is commonly known for two things in this country. Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl. Even if you’re not a football fan, you know the Super Bowl. You may not who is playing or what city the big game is in, but you know it’s happening.
I’ll admit, I’m not a football fan. Unless, of course, I’m Netflix binging on some Friday Night Lights!
The only two things that excite me about the Super Bowl are the food and the commercials. For most of the game, you can find me hanging around the snack table talking about how cute the dog and horses were in the Budweiser commercial (the only one that ever sticks in my brain). [Read more…]