When your fingernails are dry and brittle, and your cuticles are all cracked and bleeding, it’s no fun. And it’s not pretty either. But you can fix that by using cuticle oil to moisturize your cuticles. Use it as often as you can, especially when it’s dry out. Here’s a super simple recipe for DIY Cuticle Oil.
50 Ways to Pamper Yourself as a Woman
The end of summer is just about here, and the hustle and bustle of back to school is in full swing. Before you know it, the holidays and all their preparations will be full steam ahead. Before all that craziness piles on to your schedule, take some time out to pamper yourself. make plans to work in pampering before, during, and after all the daily to do get overwhelming. Take a look at this list of 50 Ways to Pamper Yourself as a Woman and make your pampering plan of action!
5 Epsom Salt Bath Soaks
There are a lot of reasons to take an Epsom salt soak in the tub, but the biggest one is that it always feels good while soaking up its magic. The first thing most of us usually think of when we hear Epsom salt soak is “sore muscles”. Filling the tub with warm water and Epsom salt and soaking away achy, tired muscles is a home remedy people have been using forever. People also use Epsom salt bath soaks when they can’t sleep, need bug bite relief, or are experiencing sunburn pain or foot pain from ingrown toenails or tired feet. You can’t beat Epsom salt bath soaks for relaxing and destressing. You can use any of these 5 Epsom salt bath soaks to feel amazing tonight.
4 Beauty Uses for Aloe Vera
I love plants and flowers and have a lot of them at my house, but Aloe vera plants are definitely my favorite. They’re beautiful and easy to grow, of course; but it’s the goopy gel inside that I love. It’s like a magic potion! While Aloe vera’s translucent insides are probably the most well known as a super effective home remedy for minor burns and sunburn, they have so many more uses than that. These 4 Beauty Uses for Aloe Vera will probably turn this plant into one of your favorites too!
7 Beauty Uses for Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is one of my favorite things to always have in the house. It’s so versatile and can be used for some of my favorite DIY projects. Epsom salt is made up of the naturally occurring mineral magnesium sulfate and in water, it breaks down to magnesium and sulfate. While Epsom salt can be used medicinally and has a lot of household uses, it has a long list of beauty benefits. Try these 7 Beauty Uses for Epsom Salt and step up your all-natural beauty routine!
Simple DIY Bath Salts
The stress and anxiety surrounding the coronavirus these last few months has definitely made me want to jump in the tub more than usual. A lot more!! So much so that I’ve run out of bath bombs and bath salts. Since I make many of my own bath and skincare products, I already had everything I needed to make [Read more…]
DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner
I love yoga. It’s become one of my favorite ways to relax my mind and body when I need it most. One thing that doesn’t relax my mind though– is thinking about all the nasty stuff that’s on my yoga mat, especially after an intense sweaty practice! Anyone who practices yoga knows that it doesn’t take long for your mat to build up dirt and grime. This is why I’ve created an easy DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner with just a few ingredients.
Anti-Stress Lemongrass Bath Salts
Hot baths are one of my all-time favorite ways to decompress. It’s the answer to most things in my life. Feeling stress? Hot bath. Feeling sad? Hot bath. Feeling sore? Hot bath. Starting a new book. Hot bath. Got cramps? Hot bath. Got a chill? Hot bath… and probably grab a thermometer to check your temp. All jokes aside, there are very few things a hot bath can’t fix. That being said, the bubble bath is always a given but bath salts- now were talking. This recipe for Anti-Stress Lemongrass Bath Salts is [Read more…]
DIY Pumpkin Face Mask
Since Halloween is here it’s time to carve pumpkins into awesome jack o’ lanterns! Whether your jack o’ lantern is cool, creepy, spooky, or sassy, don’t toss out your pumpkin’s insides without putting them to good use too. These fall favorite fruits are full of vitamins and antioxidants so why not turn some of yours into this nourishing [Read more…]
Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
One of my favorite beauty DIYs is this Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse. It leaves my hair soft, shiny, and manageable. It’s also easy and super simple to make!
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those products known for its all-round usefulness and versatility, and is especially good for hair. It’s acidic by nature and helps restore the hair’s natural pH, removes product residue build-up, and helps [Read more…]
Must-Have Summer Beauty Items
Summer is officially in full swing at 90° and climbing, which means it’s hot, hot, hot!. And I love it! Living in Florida my whole life has forced me to truly embrace the summer heat. Beach weekends, pool days, and crowded theme parks are some of mine and my family’s favorite ways to spend the summer. All of these outdoor activities can really do a number on my skin and hair, which means I’ve got to be prepared. Check out my [Read more…]
Benefits of Face Shaving as a Woman
I have been shaving my face for about a year and guess what…it’s amazing! Face shaving or dermaplaning has become a popular anti-aging trend for a lot of women and I’m definitely one of them. Some of you reading this may be thinking, what the heck, I’m a woman!! But let me tell you that this kind of face shaving is not the same as [Read more…]
DIY Body Butter

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