It’s that time of the year…time for another DIY handprint card! One of my favorite parts of the holidays is making handprint cards. This year, my son is finally at the age where he can make them almost completely by himself. My son’s favorite book series is Duck & Goose, we read at least one or two (out of 15 or so in the series) a night. So, when I asked if he wanted to make this Easter Chick Handprint Card for some family members, he was delighted. Below, you can find [Read more…]
DIY Rock & Gem Mining Activity
I was inspired to do this DIY Rock & Gem Mining Activity by a recent mini-golf outing with my family. It’s a fun activity that can be put together fairly cheap and done over and over again. The hands-on experience of discovering buried treasures like gemstones, rocks, shells, fossils, and shark teeth is a great beginner science activity for preschoolers and Kindergarteners to learn about [Read more…]
How to Prepare Your Kids for Daylight Savings
It’s almost that dreaded time of year for parents….Daylight Savings! You know spring is officially here when moods are crazy, schedules are off, and kids are not going to bed or waking up on time! Ahh, the sweet taste of daylight savings. [Read more…]
Shopping Addictions and Target Wish list
Last week I wrote a post all about learning to let go – let go of all my stuff since I’m trying to downsize for my upcoming van life adventure. I wrote about how this is a serious struggle for me, not only because I tend to assign a sentimental value to a lot of things – but also because I love to shop. I didn’t emphasize that as much last week because I am working on it. But have to admit, I’m definitely a bit of a shopaholic.
Quick and Easy DIY Laundry Pods
If you only have the time or desire to try 1 DIY project right now, be sure to try these Quick and Easy DIY Laundry Pods. Not only are these laundry pods super simple, they’re also inexpensive to make and they save so much money on laundry costs.
Another big benefit to these Quick and Easy DIY Laundry Pods is that their ingredients are much safer for your family and the environment than the standard laundry detergents we’re all so used to using. With so many perks to these DIY laundry pods, why not give them a try. I know I love them so much, I can’t imagine ever going back to using regular detergent.
Questions to Ask When Choosing a Wedding Venue

Photography by Lifelong Photography Studio
I recently got married and I could not have picked a better venue. It was absolutely perfect for me and my husband. It totally checked all of our boxes because we knew exactly what we wanted. It’s funny because some friends of ours got married about 5 weeks after us in one of the venues we looked at and almost booked. And even though they are both farm venues, they were completely different feels. That’s why it’s important to ask yourself what you really want when choosing a wedding venue. In our case, we knew we wanted something outdoors and rustic but not too fancy or too country.
So ask yourself: What do you really want?
DIY Party Photo Frame
If you read my last post, DIY Bride-To-Be Pin, you know that I’ve been diligently planning the details of my younger sister’s bridal shower. She and I both love everything DIY, especially party décor. It allows for our creative side to come out in full force! So, naturally, when it came time to start planning her bridal shower we made a list of everything we thought we could make. This DIY Party Photo Frame pairs perfectly with [Read more…]
April Ipsy Review
The thing I love most about Ipsy, besides getting to try so many great products for a low cost, is how customizable the bags are. I love that I can set up my account profile and Ipsy always stays close to my settings. Ipsy also takes cues from my product reviews on their website. They’re always fine tuning and making sure I get the most out of my monthly bag.
This month was no different. The bag itself is possibly the cutest thing ever and everything inside the bag… well, let’s get started.
10 Flowering Plants Toxic to Dogs & Cats
With spring officially in full swing, everyone is busy enjoying all kinds of outdoor activities. Not only are we spending time at parks and beaches, we’re also spending a lot of time in our backyards barbecuing, swimming, and gardening. Whether you’re outside enjoying your beautiful garden or even inside enjoying colorful spring potted flowers, keep in mind that some of these lovely flowering plants are poisonous to dogs and cats.
5 Eco-Friendly Travel Tips
In honor of Spring, it’s time to start planning your next travel adventure! Whether it’s spring break or summer break, or just a weekender trip – travel plans are exciting!
That being said, traveling is also usually costly – not just for you – but for the environment too. Usually when traveling people like to indulge and splurge. But in doing so, it causes more waste, more energy, and more emissions than would have been extended before.
Some of the best ways to travel eco-friendly are to travel as though you never left home. You’ll see what I mean below.