My 2-and-half-year-old son has gone through stages of loving bath time and hating bath time and now loving it again. When he was an infant, bath time was new to him and he was still discovering the whole water and bubble situation. Now, he knows bathtime signifies the end of play time which ultimately leads to bedtime. So sometimes getting him to the bath is tough. Sometimes it takes bribing and trickery. Other times it takes throwing him over my shoulder and hauling him upstairs. Either way, I was tired of the begging and pleading so I got a little inventive in my trickery and got him to remember how much fun bath time can be. [Read more…]
Paper Plate Handprint Mother’s Day Card
I’m back at it again with hand and footprint cards this Mother’s Day. The last few cards I’ve made were with J’s footprint because I couldn’t quite get him to be still enough to use his handprint. He was always squirming around or fighting to get out of my arms and play with the paint. Somehow the feet were just quicker and easier to capture. [Read more…]
Tips for Child Proofing Your Home
As a fairly new parent, I worry incessantly about my 2-year-old getting hurt, sick, bullied, abducted, or drowning. Sometimes I forget about how dangerous my own house can be. Chemicals, hot stoves, pools, ponds, electrical outlets, and heavy furniture are just a few of the looming dangers lurking in plain sight. As my son gets older and becomes more curious, I fear less about bumps and bruises, and more about ingesting chemicals or wandering to the pond behind our home. This is why I baby proof everything! [Read more…]
Progresso Soup Stuffed Peppers
It’s almost Easter and bell peppers are in season in sunny Florida. That means I’ll be whipping up one of my go-to summer favorites on the regular—Stuffed Peppers. I don’t cook dinner often, thankfully my wonderful husband has a knack for it, but when I do, this Progresso Soup Stuffed Peppers recipe is always in my rotation. [Read more…]
10 Reasons to Choose Cloth Diapers
Babies and diapers go hand in hand, right? Dirty diapers are an inevitable part of raising children, right? Those slim, plastic lined disposable diapers are your only option, right?
I’ve been wanting to do a post for a while on cloth diapering but after working on My Breastfeeding Journey for nearly 6 months I needed a breather. I knew, much like that post, there was much to be told. So, I’ve decided to break it down into a series of posts that I will put out over a period of time—for my sanity and yours!
Since the invention of disposable diapers in the 40’s, parents have adopted a dependency on them. Their convenience and portability have made daycare, traveling, and life with children more obtainable and just plain easier. In some families, disposable diapers have allowed fathers to be more actively involved in the early stages of parenthood—dirty diaper duty isn’t all on moms now! And as early disposable diapers models evolved, usage skyrocketed. [Read more…]
Tips to Help Moms Stay Happy and Healthy
Nothing has turned my world upside down like having a child. In the best way, I feel like my life has done a complete 180. Suddenly everything revolves around eating and sleep schedules, dirty diapers, mounds of laundry, potty training, human training, cars and trucks, boo-boos, Mickey, and Blippi. Sometimes I feel like there’s no time for myself. My “me time” now consists of scheduled bubble baths and stolen moments of quiet on the swing-set. And that’s ok because as long as I fit them in, I’m making progress. Progress that’s necessary for me to stay happy and healthy as a mom. [Read more…]
Float or Sink Game for Toddlers
My 2 and-a-half-year-old son is at a very inquisitive age and thinks just about anything and everything is “so cool!” The “what’s that” stage started around 18 months and hasn’t let up. He’s not only into anything with wheels but also wants to know how things work. It’s amazing to see at such a young age the true wonder in his eyes. Looking for something to do and capture his attention, I was inspired by his favorite YouTuber, Blippi, to do a very basic science experiment. [Read more…]
Tips for Shopping with Toddlers
I love to shop! Anyone who knows me, knows I’m good for an all-day shopping spree. All I need is a comfortable pair of shoes, a chai tea latte from Starbucks, and a bag of my new favorite snack, Bare Cinnamon Banana Chips, and I can easily wander the aisles of Target for 5 hours. Sometimes longer if it’s Christmas! If you think about it, toddlers are the same way. They need to be comfortable and happy just like mommy if you’re going to avoid an all-out public tantrum (I’ve been there). You’re probably not going to make it through a shopping trip unscathed if your child is hungry, tired, bored, or thirsty. So be prepared. Stuff your diaper bag, purse, pockets, shoes— wherever you can fit a toy car and a bag of snacks—cross your fingers, and pray for the best. [Read more…]
Creative Kids Art Station
As a kid, some of my fondest memories are from when my mom and I would do art projects together. She would gather her crafting supplies and we’d sit at the dining room table for hours painting, coloring, gluing, and making everything sparkle. Mostly I remember making holiday decorations and crafts—painting Christmas ornaments (which we still do) were our specialty. And now that my son is getting to an age where he likes to color and paint, we can finally start using the Creative Kids Art Station I designed for him. [Read more…]
Mini Construction Site Sandbox
I’m always trying to come up with fun activities for my 2-year son to do while I’m at work. This Mini Construction Site Sandbox is a perfect tabletop activity that can help develop his sensory and motor skills.
If you’ve read some of my other posts, you know that I bring little J to work with me every day. He’s been coming with me since he was 6 weeks old! As he’s gotten older, I’ve had to come up with new and exciting things to stimulate his little mind. Right now he’s into PlayDoh, coloring, painting, cars, and soccer. [Read more…]
Food Pantry Organization Tips
If you’ve read some of my other posts, you know I have a thing for organization. In my house, no bookshelf goes unstyled, wardrobes are color-coordinated, bins are labeled—everything has a home. And now my food pantry is perfectly adorned with beautiful crisp white bins and seagrass baskets, each filled and labeled for easy access.
This project has been on my list for about a year and I’m so excited to have finally crossed it off the list!
I must admit, I didn’t do it all on my own. My husband helped with installing the new shelves which we got from Home Depot. He replaced the standard wire racks with white faux wood boards. Since Home Depot doesn’t sell a closet kit with white boards, my husband cut each piece to be customized to fit our pantry. He also put a fresh coat of white paint on the closet walls. [Read more…]
How To Make Decluttering Easier
Decluttering possessions is something I tend to do on an ongoing basis, and I do a lot of it right after the holidays. It’s the perfect time to declutter, of course, because with so many new items to put away, old ones have to go. This is so true when you have small children and they receive a barrage of new toys for Christmas!
This January I’ve done a lot of decluttering. Even though I’ve always done my usual decluttering, this year was different. For the past several years, my extra time has been taken up by health issues surrounding my [Read more…]
Everglades Bacon Deviled Eggs
The month of February is commonly known for two things in this country. Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl. Even if you’re not a football fan, you know the Super Bowl. You may not who is playing or what city the big game is in, but you know it’s happening.
I’ll admit, I’m not a football fan. Unless, of course, I’m Netflix binging on some Friday Night Lights!
The only two things that excite me about the Super Bowl are the food and the commercials. For most of the game, you can find me hanging around the snack table talking about how cute the dog and horses were in the Budweiser commercial (the only one that ever sticks in my brain). [Read more…]
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