Plastic-free July is coming to an end, and I’m happy to report that I did pretty well at eliminating single-use plastic products from my life. I slipped a few times by using plastic shopping bags, and a couple of times I didn’t use my reusable cup when I went for coffee.
DIY Makeup Remover Wipes
I’ve been wanting to try making my own DIY makeup remover wipes for a while now. Meagan has used DIY baby wipes for little J since he was a baby and I always thought that DIY Makeup remover wipes would be a great idea. Not only are they beneficial for the environment, but they also save a lot of money.
Plastic-free July finally got me motivated to make the switch to these wipes. The other day I was pulling out a makeup wipe from its packaging, and I realized I’d cut down on a lot of plastic use if I eliminated that package from my life (not to mention the wipes themselves, of course).
I came up with this easy to make DIY makeup remover wipe because, if you’ve read any of my other posts, you know I’m all about simple and easy.
9 Ways to Reduce Household Plastic Waste
We here at From Under a Palm Tree always strive to be more eco-friendly in our personal and professional lives. We have made it our mission to decrease our footprint by living more sustainable lives, reducing waste, and conserving resources.
In efforts to improve the quality of our Earth, I have signed the Plastic Free July Challenge and committed myself to Reduce Household Plastic Waste. Single-use plastic bags and bottles can take up to 500 years to decompose in landfills, however, most don’t even reach them. A large number of throw-away plastics end up in our oceans, leaving behind chemicals and toxic particles, destroying marine life all over the world. [Read more…]
Taking the Plastic Free July Challenge
Meagan, Christina, and I decided to take the Plastic Free July Challenge. The goal of the Plastic Free July Challenge is to encourage people to stop single-use plastic product consumption and reduce plastic packaging (at least for the month of July). It’s also to help people become more aware of issues surrounding plastic use in our lives and to encourage new consumption habits moving forward.
A Week in Colorado – Part 2: Copper Mountain
Taking a trip to Colorado was definitely one of the best experiences of my life for so many reasons. We got to visit several different parts of the state, I crossed an item off my bucket list, and got to see amazing friends get married!
In part one of this series, I talked about my two days in Boulder, CO. The next part of the adventure took place in Copper Mountain. Copper Mountain is a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains.
Berry and Greek Yogurt Dessert
One of my favorite treats is this Berry and Greek Yogurt Dessert. I came up with it because I love strawberry shortcake and wanted a tasty lower calorie version. I started off by just mixing and eating pureed berries with Greek yogurt (which I also still enjoy). Adding the rest of the ingredients really give it that yummy berry shortcake-ish taste.
Since I love all the different treats and foods that are served in mason jars these days, I decided to serve my Berry and Greek Yogurt in them for holidays and special occasions! Mason jars have such a quaint and cute appearance. They make just about anything look [Read more…]
A Week in Colorado – Part 1: Boulder
My fiance and I just got back from our big trip out west. We’re from Florida and we’ve vacationed up and down the east coast, but the farthest west we’ve ever been is Wisconsin and Houston, Texas. This trip was a big deal for us.
The Trip was originally for our friend’s wedding but it turned into a week-long vacation visiting friends in Boulder and then heading to Copper Mountain for the wedding.
The Best Eco-Fest Freebies
About a month ago it was Earth Day and us here at From Under a Palm Tree attended a local Eco-Fest. I have been writing a four-part series about different things we learned from the eco-fest and this is the final part in that series.
One thing I love about going to festivals of this nature is meeting and talking to everyone. I also like to get free stuff! And vendors love to give away free stuff because it helps promote their business or organization. The best part is that a lot of the freebies were things that help the cause and spread the eco-friendly message. [Read more…]
May Ipsy Review
This month I wanted to do something a little different for my May Ipsy Review.
Every month I usually wait about 2 weeks until I review each product. I like to have time to actually use the product so I can give a fair review. That being said, I think by the time I post it everyone has moved on to their hopes and dreams for the next month’s bag.
So I want to review while it’s still fresh in everyone’s minds. I got my May Ipsy bag on May 11th, a little sooner than I usually do so I’ve had it for a few days already. And I can tell you that I’ve already used everything in my bag.
May Ipsy Review:
7 Reasons to Scoop the Poop
Attention dog-parents everywhere: this is why you must pick up after your pooch!
I have to admit, I have been guilty of not picking up after my two beagles on occasion. And by pick up after, I mean scoop their poop. It’s not pretty, maybe we don’t like to talk about it, but it’s a reality for any dog owner. Dogs go #2 and it’s up to us to clean up after them.
This year on Earth Day, we here at From Under a Palm Tree had an exciting outing at the Tampa Bay Eco-Fest. We were able to speak to all kinds of organizations and vendors with the intent to live more sustainable lives. That’s always our goal here at From Under a Palm Tree. [Read more…]
10 Ways to Save Money by Saving Energy
Everyone likes to save money, right? What if I told you, you can save money by saving energy? There are so many things we can do to save energy in our homes that actually translates into money savings!
This past Earth Day, we here at From Under a Palm Tree attended a local Eco-Fest. We were able to meet with all kinds of organizations and vendors, with the intent to live more sustainable lives. In the second of a 4-part series, I want to share some of the energy-saving, money-saving tips we learned from Eco-Fest!
Eco-friendly Landscaping Practices
April is the month of spring and Earth Day! This Earth Day we here at From Under a Palm Tree attended the 8th Annual Eco-fest in Tampa! Just like most local festivals, it had everything from local organizations and companies, food trucks, to vendors selling homemade goods. Everything was geared toward spreading awareness of eco-friendly practices. This was by far my favorite local festival I’ve ever attended.
There were booths specifically about recycling, water treatment and conservation, veganism, and Florida plants; the list goes on and on.
The best part was getting to talk to all of those vendors and learn about the environment. As with anything, it is important to continue to educate ourselves, especially about an ever-changing entity like the environment.
In the first of a 4 part series, I want to share some of the interesting information I learned at Eco-fest this year. This first post is all about eco-friendly landscaping practices courtesy of Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Eco-Friendly Shopping Tips
In honor of spring and Earth Day, now is a time to reflect on the patterns we’ve created in our lives and how they affect our environmental footprint.
This week I’m taking a closer look at shopping, something we all do. Whether you’re school shopping, clothes shopping, or just grocery shopping – at some point you will find yourself in a store.