One of the issues I struggle with most in my life is a balance. I often say I want more of it, and yet I often take on more projects and new responsibilities. I know that I really don’t want to do less—I want more time to do more things. Obviously, since I will never have more than 24 hours in a day, I try to be more efficient.
Still, even that only goes so far. Sometimes you have to put a few things on hold. One of my favorite Oprah quotes is “You can have it all. Just not all at once.” Betty Friedan said it a little different, “You can have it all, just not all at the same time.” What this says to me is that all my roles (mom, wife, business owner, student, blogger) and all my goals and projects require a delicate balancing act.
Related: Back to School – As an Adult
I’ll be taking a short hiatus from my blog and Christina and Meagan will be picking up the slack for me while I finish up degree requirements. I have a few items of business to finish up for my American studies degree from Eckerd College. My program was recently canceled by Eckerd so they let those of us with only a class or two left to complete “walk” in last May’s graduation ceremony.
With only one class and a writing exhibit left to go, I thought I’d breeze through this last eight-week session. Wrong! A few weeks before my class was set to start, I got a call from my advisor. Apparently, I actually have two classes left—not one—both of which are reading and writing intensive and quite rigorous. I could have changed my major to avoid one of the difficult classes—which I seriously considered. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty close to doing it, but a friend reminded me that I’ve come too far to take the easy way out at the end. Basically, she gave me just the little nudge (more like a guilt trip) that I needed.
Related: School Supplies for Adults
I was ready and motivated to go full steam ahead with this workload. Then I got my class syllabi. I gave them that first once-over glance and literally started to cry –for maybe 15 seconds. I stopped right away and started rehearsing the words I’d use when I called Eckerd and begged to switch to the easier curriculum even though it was now past the deadline to so. But first I called a former classmate who had completed these classes. I asked her how she did it—the reading requirements are so difficult and the amount of it is a lot. She gave me the encouragement I needed and assured me that if she could do it—so could I. Again, I decided I’ll stay the course.
I’m two weeks into the classes and I’m feeling much better about my ability to handle what I need to handle. No doubt about it, it’s a lot of work and other projects will go on the back burner for the next couple of months. Then those projects will get my attention again. It’s a little overwhelming and a little stressful, but still an exciting and fun balancing act. All of it for, and made possible by, family and friends.
Related: Be More Productive Now!
Are you dealing with back to school blues? Or trying to balance your roles? Let me know in the comments below.
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Lisa is a mother of three lovely young women and is a new grandmother to a baby boy! She has been married to her high school sweetheart for more than thirty years. Lisa is originally from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, but has lived in the Tampa Bay area since 1984. Running a small business for over 25 years and raising a family has made for a busy, busy life with many ups and downs; it’s definitely been an adventure.
Lisa’s always involved in one project or another whether it’s work related or serving her community. She also recently went back to school to finish her bachelor’s degree in American Studies. Lisa tries to make every day a good day—that means learning something new, practicing kindness, and enjoying the present moment.
Going back to school can be fun and scary at the same time I think.
This is very interesting and very well written! Thanks for sharing!
oh no! that’s horrible. i’m sorry. i hate when that happens. you feel like y you’re SO CLOSE to being done and then the finish line gets pushed a little farther 🙁
you got this though! you’ll be finished in no time!
Oh my goodness, this seriously brought back the old feelings of “school anxiety”!!! Ugh, so glad to be done, haha! It’ll be over before you know it and on to following your dreams! Good luck!
When I decided to go back I was soo nervous and felt like, I was going to a scary house. But it turned out to be the best thing ever.
Congratulations on starting a new chapter and going back to school! I’m sure it must be overwhelming, like you say balance is hard to achieve sometimes! But I couldn’t agree more with the Oprah quote… and when you look back on this, you’re going to be so proud of your accomplishments!! Very best to you!