One of my favorite beauty DIYs is this Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse. It leaves my hair soft, shiny, and manageable. It’s also easy and super simple to make!
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those products known for its all-round usefulness and versatility, and is especially good for hair. It’s acidic by nature and helps restore the hair’s natural pH, removes product residue build-up, and helps control dandruff. Hair and scalp’s pH can be thrown off by high alkaline shampoos which can cause frizzy, damaged hair and dry scalp. When Apple Cider Vinegar restores pH balance, it helps prevent hair and scalp unhealthiness. Too much product (hair spray, mousse, gel, and foam) buildup will make hair dull, limp, and lifeless.
Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse:
- 2 ounces Apple Cider Vinegar
- 4 ounces Water
- 4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
- 1 Spray Bottle
Related: Simple DIY Lip Balm
*Rosemary essential oil promotes hair growth and thickness. It also helps treat dry scalp and dandruff. Substitute other hair-friendly essential oils if you prefer. Lavender, Clary Sage, or Cedarwood are good choices.
- Mix Apple Cider Vinegar and water together in a measuring cup.
- Add essential oil and stir.
- Pour mix into a spray bottle.
Shampoo your hair as usual. Then, spray several spurts of hair rinse on your wet hair. Run your fingers through your hair to distribute rinse thoroughly and evenly. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse out. Viola!
*No need for conditioner. Hair will be soft and tangle-free. Style as usual.
Related: Coconut Rosemary Hot Oil Hair Treatment
Since I wash my hair about twice a week, I use a lot of cornstarch (a natural dry shampoo) and spray dry shampoo in between washings. My favorite brand is Batiste, which you can find on Amazon. This Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse is great at removing all that residue build-up. I use this rinse once a week and use regular conditioner with the other shampoos. I do have color-treated hair.
This Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse isn’t only quick and easy to make, it’s economical and very effective!

Have you ever used Apple Cider Vinegar as a hair rinse? Or tried this one? What do you use Apple Cider Vinegar for?
Buy on Amazon:
Related: 3 Simple Vitamin E Face Mists
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Lisa is a mother of three lovely young women and is a new grandmother to a baby boy! She has been married to her high school sweetheart for more than thirty years. Lisa is originally from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, but has lived in the Tampa Bay area since 1984. Running a small business for over 25 years and raising a family has made for a busy, busy life with many ups and downs; it’s definitely been an adventure.
Lisa’s always involved in one project or another whether it’s work related or serving her community. She also recently went back to school to finish her bachelor’s degree in American Studies. Lisa tries to make every day a good day—that means learning something new, practicing kindness, and enjoying the present moment.
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