Nothing has turned my world upside down like having a child. In the best way, I feel like my life has done a complete 180. Suddenly everything revolves around eating and sleep schedules, dirty diapers, mounds of laundry, potty training, human training, cars and trucks, boo-boos, Mickey, and Blippi. Sometimes I feel like there’s no time for myself. My “me time” now consists of scheduled bubble baths and stolen moments of quiet on the swing-set. And that’s ok because as long as I fit them in, I’m making progress. Progress that’s necessary for me to stay happy and healthy as a mom.
It’s amazing how many jobs we, as moms, take on when we think we’re the only ones who can do them properly. To stay sane, I’ve learned to relinquish some of my controlling ways and let my husband take on more household responsibilities. I’ve begun to realize how important it is to take care of myself if I want to maintain healthy relationships with friends, family, and others in my life.
Here’s how I do it.
Tips to Help Moms Stay Happy and Healthy
Get Sleep— Tired mommies are not happy mommies. This is not a tip for brand new moms with infant children. I always hated when people told me to make sure I got plenty of sleep with a 2-week old baby. For most new moms, it just isn’t possible. Even if you aren’t breastfeeding, you’re still up when they’re up, especially if it’s your first. You’re always wondering what’s wrong— is my baby hungry? Is my baby sick? Is my baby uncomfortable? Does my baby have gas? The list goes on and on. But rest assured (no pun intended), your baby will start to develop their own healthy sleep pattern. And eventually you’ll be able to get some sleep—as long as you allow yourself to.
Don’t stay up late every night trying to conquer the world. Mommy has to have a bedtime too. Even if that means you go to bed with dishes in the sink or clothes in the washing machine. Trust me, if it’s 10 pm and you’re telling yourself “just one more chore,” 2 hours will pass and you’ll be dragging the next day.

Related: Tips to Help Moms Stay Happy and Healthy
Meditate— Meditating doesn’t mean you have to be in a bubble bath surrounded by candles with Enya playing in the background. It is important to find a quiet place where you can relax, focus on your breathing, and if you can, clear your mind. Check out this website for some great tips on Meditation for Beginners. Once you’ve mastered the art of meditation, you’ll start to develop a new sense of self-awareness, improved concentration habits, and reduced stress levels. For me, when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day stresses of life, I find time to meditate in the car, the shower, and even on the swings of my son’s backyard play-set. When I do yoga, I take a little extra time at the end of each session to relax my mind and let go of any stress I might be carrying.

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Tips to Help Moms Stay Happy and Healthy
Me Time— Massages, manicures, and pedicures are relaxing, and if you can work them into your schedule, do it. Making time for yourself is not only important for your mental health, but it can also improve the quality of your relationship with your friends and family.
Taking care of my 2-year-old son every day, while at work, is most definitely a gift that a lot of moms are not lucky enough to have. He’s been coming to work with me since he was 6 weeks old and I wouldn’t change a day of it. I’ve been happy to spend as much time with him as I have but I’m not going to lie—it is taxing and it’s hard. Sometimes I feel guilty when I crave time alone. Somehow it makes me feel selfish even when I know it’s necessary to maintain a healthy relationship with my child.
Solitude allows me to reboot—clear my mind and unwind. Some of my favorite ways to relax alone are to take extra long bubble baths, lay out in the sun and read, arrange a daddy/baby date, stay home curled on the couch binging my favorite Netflix show, and my all-time favorite—go shopping—alone!
Related: 3 Tips to Make Transition & Change Easier
Date Nights—For most parents, it’s hard to leave the kids behind to enjoy dinner, a concert, or a movie. There’s this feeling of guilt that creeps up on me, knowing J is at home with a sitter while my husband and I are having fun without him. Even if it’s not intentional, somehow what he ate for lunch, how many times he pooped, or whatever funny thing he said at the park always makes its way into the conversation.
But I’ve learned that as long as I can make the decision to go, actually get out the door, and then stay out for more than an hour—just my husband and I—then it’s a win!
The same way it’s healthy for mommies to make time for themselves, it’s also beneficial to your marriage or partnership to make time for each other. We can’t forget to acknowledge the love that brought our children into this world in the first place.
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Say Yes— I don’t say yes to everything. More so, I try not to say no to everything. The older my son gets, the more he wants things. He wants Matchbox cars at Target, he wants a chocolate milk at Starbucks, he wants cake at restaurants, he wants to go on the slides every time we pass a park, and he wants to watch and listen to Blippi every waking second of the day. He’s 2. He wants things. He wants all the things.
Now, it is not my intention to spoil him when I say yes to the things he asks for. Again, I don’t say yes to everything but if it’s within reason, if it’s in my budget, if I have the time, or if he’s been well behaved then I say yes. I say yes because it makes me happy to see him happy.
Related: Mother’s Day Activities
Tips to Help Moms Stay Happy and Healthy
Stay Fit— Be active in some way. Eating healthy is a given so I’m not even gonna go there but finding time for the gym every day is an unrealistic goal for most moms. No matter how much we don’t want to admit it. There are other ways to stay active without hitting the gym. Take a walk, run, or bike ride. Home workout videos (PIYO) are my new favorite because I don’t have to go far to get a good sweat going. If hitting the gym is the only way you can push yourself to get that workout in, then go. But with a little self-motivation, discipline, and thinking outside box you can get that heart rate up. Chase your kids around the yard, kick the ball around outside for 30 minutes. You’ll be surprised at how much of a workout you can get in by just trying to keep up with your kids’ energy level. That old cliche about feeling good and looking good makes you feel happy—it’s true.
Sometimes the things we know we should do for our personal health and wellness aren’t always the easiest to fit into our busy schedules. I’m guilty of this myself. I tend to put others needs before my own— a character flaw I’m proud to have…once in a while!
Related: Easy Low-Calorie Tomato Soup
Are you like me—do you think you have to be the one doing everything for everyone in your family? What are some of your Tips for Moms to Stay Happy and Healthy? Please share in the comments below.
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Hi! I’m Meagan and I’m a 41 year old mom of a high energy almost 9 year old, happily navigating my way through the little boy years. I’ve been married for 14 years. I met my husband over 20 years ago in high school; we got married 10 years later after graduating from the University of South Florida. I currently help run a family business with my parents while blogging about my life and love of DIY projects!
When I’m not at a kids sports game, I enjoy spending time with my family on a beach anywhere. I also love decorating and organizing, fun DIY projects, bargain shopping, and eating out or in! I also love Barbecue anything and a good show or movie on Netflix.
Thank you so much for this post! I totally agree with the date nights! And I need to get back to working out, it always make you feel so much better.
I agree 100% with your wise tips! #1 is underrated, and I can say a good night’s rest DOES WONDERS!! Of course, as a busy mom, we can’t just sleep – that when #2 comes in – getting still, slowing downing creating space to mediate. Brilliant! <3 xo Evelyn,
I’m not yet a mom but I can see how stressful it is to be a mother. Thanks for all this tips. My mom and dad are married for 28 years and they still have those date nights! <3
Great post! It is very important to take care of ourselves. We sometimes are focusing so much on our husband and kids that we forget to take care of ourselves. I try to take some time to myself and read a book.
This is such a great and very real list of things us moms need to do to stay happy and sane! 😉 I love what you mentioned about saying yes as appropriate. I believe in this same reasoning. Too much yes isn’t great, but when it’ll mean the most is when I say yes. I also love surprising my kids instead of always doing things when they ask.
And my 2 year old son loves Blippi too! Too funny!
These are wonderful tips. I wholeheartedly agree and found that once I adopted most of these into my daily/weekly routine I was able to better manage my postpartum depression. Thanks for sharing!
Great post. Staying happy is always equal to a healthy lifestyle. Love the write up!
My favorite tips are me time and sleep!! When I do those two things I feel so much better!!
Xx, Donnie