Easy Rice Pudding

Sustainable & Creative Living
by Lisa 6 Comments
by Meagan 6 Comments
I love easy crockpot meals that taste like you spent hours slaving over a hot stove cooking them. This Crock Pot Hamburger Casserole recipe is absolutely delicious and so simple to make.
My son loves ground beef and hates his veggies so I’m always trying to hide them in our meals whenever possible. I was a little skeptical making this because I’m always worried he’ll see green and immediately [Read more…]
Road trips are tough on everyone. Especially little kids. Wait, no they’re tougher on the parents. When my little J was an infant, he hated his car seat so car rides were very stressful for Mommy. Even a 2-mile ride to the grocery store felt like a 20-mile ride. I tried everything that I could think of to soothe his cries and keep him entertained. Mirrors, squeaky toys, rattles, teething toys. Nothing worked.
I even took one blogger’s advice and made a [Read more…]
by Meagan 7 Comments
I’m always on the lookout for a quick and easy dinner recipe. My wheelhouse is 5 ingredients or less! After working all day and taking care of a 2-year-old, I desperately need a quick and easy dinner recipe or odds are I’m not cooking.
To be honest, I don’t do a lot of the cooking. My husband and I share a lot of the responsibilities when it comes to the housecleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. But when it comes to meal prep, [Read more…]
Beach vacationing with a toddler is not the same vacation I took pre-baby. Back then I had 10 swimsuits and they all fit and all I cared about packing was snacks, water, and a towel. Post-baby beach vacationing, whether it’s for a week or a weekend, the packing list has [Read more…]
It’s back to school for kids across the country. While this may be an exciting time for most, it’s also stressful for many kids. Why? Because there are countless families who can’t afford the basics when it comes to the dreaded back to school supplies list. Many children aren’t equipped with the basics: backpacks, pens, pencils, paper, and binders. According to Adopt a Classroom.org, K-12 teachers spend [Read more…]
We are so excited because we were recently nominated for our first blogging award! This is exciting for us because we have been blogging for just under a year and it means a lot to be recognized.
We’re thankful to both For the Love of Teacher and Jattu Kallon for the nominations. Both are amazing blogs and it’s an honor to be nominated and recognized by them. For the Love of Teacher is a great blog dedicated to celebrating teaching as well as the collaboration of teachers. Jattu Kallon has an awesome lifestyle blog with a little bit of everything, not unlike our own blog. Be sure to check them both out!
The great thing about an award like this is that it tells us that we’re making an impact but it’s also an amazing way to showcase other blogs that recognize. We get to continue a great cycle by nominating 15 other bloggers and recognize them! It’s exciting to be able to spread the love to fellow bloggers.
by Meagan 6 Comments
We here at From Under a Palm Tree always strive to be more eco-friendly in our personal and professional lives. We have made it our mission to decrease our footprint by living more sustainable lives, reducing waste, and conserving resources.
In efforts to improve the quality of our Earth, I have signed the Plastic Free July Challenge and committed myself to Reduce Household Plastic Waste. Single-use plastic bags and bottles can take up to 500 years to decompose in landfills, however, most don’t even reach them. A large number of throw-away plastics end up in our oceans, leaving behind chemicals and toxic particles, destroying marine life all over the world. [Read more…]
by Meagan 6 Comments
Meal time is stressful when you have a growing toddler. One day, all is good and they gobble up anything you put in front of them. The next day, they throw it your face. Dry, salty snacks that are loaded with carbs usually do the trick as a quick and easy snack, but they also get boring. If you’re looking for something a bit healthier than the average toddler snack, try these Frozen Yogurt Covered Bananas. They can be whipped up in a hurry from [Read more…]
by Meagan 6 Comments
Registering for baby gifts is one of the most exciting and highly anticipated stages of pregnancy for most expectant parents. Most can’t wait to send the barcode scanner into overdrive scanning anything and everything from diapers and bibs to car seats and strollers.
I was sick most of my pregnancy so no supermarket sweeping the baby aisles for me. I registered the boring way…online at Target.com and Amazon.com.
I did, however, end up really enjoying registering this way because it allowed me to [Read more…]
by Lisa 8 Comments
This is my all-time favorite salad! It can be served in the summer, spring, fall, or winter. I’m making it in honor of Father’s Day for my husband because I got this recipe from his late Mother many years ago. To be exact, it was 1983. She gave me the recipe so I could bring this dish to a family Fourth of July party. I still have (and use) the original piece of scrap paper that she wrote the recipe on.
Since my son was born almost 2 years ago, I’ve made handprint or footprint cards for loved ones on every holiday. My sister makes jokes that I don’t have to buy a greeting card ever again.
Of course, that’s not entirely true; I’ve yet to make a Mother’s Day card for my mom with my own footprint. For babies and toddlers, on the other hand, there’s no better way to show how much they care than with a handmade card. For older kids, this DIY Father’s Day Space Ship Footprint Card is a fun way to use their imagination while expressing their love for Dad.
by Meagan 7 Comments
Watching our babies grow up is an inevitable part of life. It’s exciting, sad, happy, fun, terrifying, and occasionally heartbreaking. Basically, a bag of emotions that we sometimes have no words for.
Sometimes just a smile tells the whole story. Other times, laying it all out on the table to anyone who will listen is what really tells the whole story. Either way, watching our babies grow up is one of the most rewarding, gratifying and yes, difficult gifts we as parents are given.