My November Ipsy Glam Bag review is here! Before we get into that, I want to remind everyone that it is the holiday season and Ipsy makes a great gift! I pay a monthly subscription fee of $10 every month, but you could pay an annual subscription fee of $120 and give a year’s worth of Ipsy as a gift! You just have to remember to cancel it before it renews on your credit card the following year. If you’re not familiar with exactly what Ipsy is, you can read my August review explaining all about it. Otherwise, you probably already know and that’s why you’re here. So let’s get started.
Apple Sheet Pie
In my family, there is one holiday tradition that always reminds us that Christmas is near—Apple Sheet Pie. The warm scent of baked apples, sweet cinnamon spice, powdered sugar, vanilla glaze, and store-bought pie crust! Yes, you heard me right. I said store-bought pie crust.
If you like apple pie, then you’re going to love our version! It’s easy to make, serves a lot of people, and you can eat with your hands! Whoop Whoop!
Gifts That Give Back
Every year around this time we’re all starting on our holiday gift list. We’re trying to find that gift that means something to someone; we want to make sure it’s something they’ll like and that it’s special. A great way to make sure you find something special for everyone is to shop with a company that offers the policy of “buy one, give one.” Many companies have this great way of giving back when you purchase a gift; they give the same or equal value back to a community in need.
Below are 10 companies that you can shop with this season to make every gift count:
Revisiting Holiday Traditions
The holidays are a time when many of us honor our most heartfelt traditions. Those traditions usually revolve around our families, our spirituality, and our religion. Sometimes our traditions are deeply intimate. Sometimes they are light and fun. Whatever they are, our traditions are meant to bring us joy and satisfaction.
Gifts for Women- Make a $100 Gift Basket for Under $30
With the holidays upon us and the seemingly never-ending list of people to buy for, why not save a little money this season? Baskets of goodies are one of my new favorite ways to give gifts.
I have so much fun hunting for things, big and small, and creatively filling not just baskets but [Read more…]
Decision-Making 101
We make so many decisions every day that it makes sense to have a set of guidelines to help us make them timely, confidently, and wisely.
Our decisions range from the small, seemingly inconsequential (what we’re going to wear, what we’re going to eat, where we’re going to stop for gas); to the ones that have lifelong implications (our choice of spouse or career); and those that fall in between. These days, decisions can be complicated even more because everywhere we turn there’s so much to choose from. It’s not just information or product overload…it’s everything overload! As a mom of three – (and grandmother) – and service business owner/operator for 25 years, life has been a continuum of decisions. These are some of the decision-making guidelines that help me keep my sanity:
These are some of the decision-making guidelines that help me keep my sanity:
Diaper Changing Table Essentials
Everyone knows the basic necessities when it comes to changing a baby’s diaper, right?
First-time parents don’t always know exactly what items they’re going to need, what they can live without, and what may not be necessary, but can make changing a squirmy baby’s diaper quicker and easier. I certainly didn’t.
Now, because I knew long before I even got pregnant that I wanted to cloth diaper, I spent probably close to 2 years (prior to pregnancy and during) researching cloth diapers and all they entail. That’s a post for another time, I promise!
Even if you don’t plan to cloth diaper like me, the essentials are similar. For those that do cloth diaper or plan to, I hope I can help.
As you may already know from my post on dresser organization, J’s dresser also doubles as a changing table. The best advice I ever [Read more…]
Getting Your Baby or Toddler Through Cold & Flu Season
6 Essential Items For Cold & Flu Season
We’ve barely made it halfway through cold and flu season and my little J has already gotten sick multiple times.
Sick babies are inevitable- with their curious minds and little hands touching everything in sight. Eventually, those germy hands make it to their mouth and BAM, sickness ensues! It’s a never-ending battle with children, especially babies and toddlers. But it’s one that can be made a little bit easier if you [Read more…]
Homemade Honey Face Masks
Honey is a perfect ingredient for homemade and natural face masks. Not only is honey an antioxidant, but it also possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties. Honey contains minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. These properties make honey a natural anti-aging agent. Honey is also a natural humectant—this means it attracts and retains moisture. Honey helps clarify skin by opening pores. After using any one of these natural, chemical free homemade face masks, your skin will feel incredibly soft and smooth.
Going to My First Wedding Expo!
Going to my first wedding expo was like diving into a swarming beehive. Except everyone is really excited to be there. Some brides are determined to find the best deals; some brides are just trying to see what the vendors have to offer. Vendors are trying to get everyone to sign up for something. And the few grooms that tagged along are hanging out at the bar or looking for free food.
So it’s an exciting time for everyone – congratulating each other and exchanging wedding details all while trying to move through the masses.
Related: Unique & Affordable Engagement Rings
I attended the expo last weekend having no idea what to expect and trying not to take it too seriously. My wedding is over a year away so I was just interested to see what it was all about and maybe win some free stuff.
Whether you’re like me and just there to feel it out or you’re the determined bride on a mission, below are some tips to make the day go by smooth:
Baby Boy Nursery Closet Finds
As you begin to read this you might be thinking what else, besides clothes, goes in a nursery closet. Well, when you have an overload of baby items including clothes, bath items, shoes, diapers, wipes, carriers, bags, more clothes, and toys, you’re gonna need to [Read more…]
Simple Strawberry Lemonade & Berry Sparkling Drinks
Simple sparkling juice drinks are a year-round staple at our house. My kids and I enjoy creating our own blends of refreshing and delicious juices and smoothies. Creating something new, whether it’s a drink or another recipe or a craft is a great way to spend time with any child but especially a teen.
Finding fun things to do or ways to bond with a teen can be challenging. None of the three teens I’ve raised wanted to spend much bonding time with me unless, of course, it included me driving them somewhere-preferably to the mall ready to wear down the strip on the back of my debit card. There’s a special feel about creating something from nothing that seems to break down barriers with my teens. We’re both starting a project on level playing field ready to do something, participate, and have fun. I won’t deny a little arguing goes on sometimes, but working together on a common goal creates a connection. By the time we’re done we’re always in a better mood!
Here are two of our favorite sparkling juice drinks:
Beachbody and Vegetarian Meal Prepping
Recently I decided to make a change in my life – to get healthy and get in shape. I’m 25 and realize I don’t take very good care of myself. I don’t eat right and don’t exercise. That needs to change. I decided to join Beachbody and start meal prepping.
A few weeks ago a friend of mine who’s a coach for the company Beachbody reached out to me. I’d recently quit my job (no more paid gym time) and just gotten engaged. Frankly, she got me at a vulnerable time. In the past, when she would ask, I would say I didn’t have the time or energy to commit. Now it’s a different story.