I love plants and flowers and have a lot of them at my house, but Aloe vera plants are definitely my favorite. They’re beautiful and easy to grow, of course; but it’s the goopy gel inside that I love. It’s like a magic potion! While Aloe vera’s translucent insides are probably the most well known as a super effective home remedy for minor burns and sunburn, they have so many more uses than that. These 4 Beauty Uses for Aloe Vera will probably turn this plant into one of your favorites too!
DIY Pumpkin Face Mask
Since Halloween is here it’s time to carve pumpkins into awesome jack o’ lanterns! Whether your jack o’ lantern is cool, creepy, spooky, or sassy, don’t toss out your pumpkin’s insides without putting them to good use too. These fall favorite fruits are full of vitamins and antioxidants so why not turn some of yours into this nourishing [Read more…]
Simple DIY Lip Balm

DIY Stress Relief Balm
I recently attended a Young Living workshop in my community with my mom and sister. I didn’t really know what to expect other than a sales pitch about essential oils. We were pleasantly surprised to not only thoroughly enjoy the woman delivering the Young Living “sales pitch” but to also be so drawn in by the way this woman spoke about her journey through discovering the Young Living Essential Oils brand. [Read more…]
Coconut Rosemary Hot Oil Hair Treatment
Now that summer is here, it’s time for outdoor activities like swimming, picnics, and vacation fun. Unfortunately, summer activities can be rough on our hair. To keep your locks from damage, be sure to use a deep conditioner every week. This DIY Coconut Rosemary Hot Oil Hair Treatment is an excellent way to keep your hair healthy and looking good. [Read more…]
5 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips
If you’ve read any of my other posts, I’m sure you’ve gathered that I love DIYs, but only if they are
simple and easy. These 5 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips are my favorite beauty DIYs because they are
just that– so simple to use and friendly on [Read more…]