It’s almost the end of the strawberry season, which means I have to start stocking up on fresh strawberries while they’re cheap and tasty. Right now my local grocery store is selling a pound of strawberries for about $4. In about a month they’re going to go up $2-$3, and they’re not even going to taste as yummy! I was inspired by a recipe I found to make these Strawberry [Read more…]
Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites
If you’re a busy mom, like me, and always running out the door—habitually late for life, then you have to put this recipe for Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Bites on your to-do list. Lately, since my 4-year-old started preschool, I’ve been feeling the pressure to get out the door on time so, of course, something has got to give–I find that it’s usually my [Read more…]
Chocolate Molten Mug Cake
This Chocolate Molten Mug Cake is one of my new favorite desserts! Its warm, chocolatey goodness is so yummy and fulfilling, and because it’s so simple to make—I want to [Read more…]
Chocolate Chip Dessert Hummus
If you’re a raw cookie dough lover, like me, then you will love this Chocolate Chip Dessert Hummus!
I have no shame in admitting my love of raw cookie dough. I’ve been known to eat an entire sheet of Nestle Tollhouse cookie squares—never actually baking them, as intended. Being that summer is right around the corner and so is beach season I thought I’d table my cookie dough obsession for the season and try out something a little more guilt-free. [Read more…]
Almond Butter Cheesecake Fat Bombs
If you’re new to the Keto lifestyle and you’re wondering what kind of diet allows you to eat something called “Fat Bombs” then let me tell you that they’re amazing! Fat Bombs, like these Almond Butter Cheesecake Fat Bombs, are high fat, low sugar, and low carb snacks that usually consists of healthy fats like almond butter, coconut oil, or [Read more…]
Easy Rice Pudding

Slow Cooker Baked Apples

Almond Crusted Fried Green Tomatoes

Chocolate Avocado Popsicles
I know what you’re thinking…it’s almost the beginning of fall—popsicles? Yes, popsicles! Why, because it’s still 90 something in Florida and will be until mid-December. I originally made these creamy Chocolate Avocado Popsicles for my toddler when he was sick, but I ended up loving them just as much as him! They’re not only healthy but absolutely delicious too! [Read more…]
Grilled Peaches and Blueberries Dessert
Grilled fruit is a tasty summer dessert that’s simple and easy for anyone to make at a moment’s notice. Peaches happen to be one of my favorite grilling fruits because of how easy they are to prepare and because they’re so sweet and delicious. The other day I had a peach and blueberry smoothie and it gave me the idea for grilling blueberries along with [Read more…]
10 Simple Strawberry Snacks
Now that summer is officially here, fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful. I love having a huge selection of all my favorites available whenever I’m in the mood for their deliciousness. There are lots of them and they taste great! My all-time favorite fruit is strawberries. There are so many different ways to prepare them. [Read more…]
DIY Coconut Larabars
As a mom of a toddler, I’m always running around the house, running out the door, or running around the yard. Gone are the days when I could sit around, relax, and binge watch my favorite Netflix original. Because I’m perpetually in hurry to get places, I sometimes forget to grab a snack. I like to eat things that I can pop in my mouth that aren’t salty and starchy—you know all the things a toddler loves. [Read more…]
Easy Baked Onion Rings
Easy Baked Onion Rings are a quick and simple snack to make when the craving for something crisp, crunchy, and sweet takes over. I like to eat them by themselves, but they’re also tasty as a side dish for soup or salad. They go great with my Easy Low-CalorieTomato Soup. Since they’re baked instead of fried they’re healthier but still feel indulgent and satisfying. Best of all, they’re one of those dishes that I almost always have the ingredients for on hand in my kitchen!