Nothing has turned my world upside down like having a child. In the best way, I feel like my life has done a complete 180. Suddenly everything revolves around eating and sleep schedules, dirty diapers, mounds of laundry, potty training, human training, cars and trucks, boo-boos, Mickey, and Blippi. Sometimes I feel like there’s no time for myself. My “me time” now consists of scheduled bubble baths and stolen moments of quiet on the swing-set. And that’s ok because as long as I fit them in, I’m making progress. Progress that’s necessary for me to stay happy and healthy as a mom. [Read more…]
Tips for Shopping with Toddlers
I love to shop! Anyone who knows me, knows I’m good for an all-day shopping spree. All I need is a comfortable pair of shoes, a chai tea latte from Starbucks, and a bag of my new favorite snack, Bare Cinnamon Banana Chips, and I can easily wander the aisles of Target for 5 hours. Sometimes longer if it’s Christmas! If you think about it, toddlers are the same way. They need to be comfortable and happy just like mommy if you’re going to avoid an all-out public tantrum (I’ve been there). You’re probably not going to make it through a shopping trip unscathed if your child is hungry, tired, bored, or thirsty. So be prepared. Stuff your diaper bag, purse, pockets, shoes— wherever you can fit a toy car and a bag of snacks—cross your fingers, and pray for the best. [Read more…]
How to Survive a Long Car Ride with Your Kids
Road trips are tough on everyone. Especially little kids. Wait, no they’re tougher on the parents. When my little J was an infant, he hated his car seat so car rides were very stressful for Mommy. Even a 2-mile ride to the grocery store felt like a 20-mile ride. I tried everything that I could think of to soothe his cries and keep him entertained. Mirrors, squeaky toys, rattles, teething toys. Nothing worked.
I even took one blogger’s advice and made a [Read more…]
Beach Vacation Packing List for a Toddler
Beach vacationing with a toddler is not the same vacation I took pre-baby. Back then I had 10 swimsuits and they all fit and all I cared about packing was snacks, water, and a towel. Post-baby beach vacationing, whether it’s for a week or a weekend, the packing list has [Read more…]
5 Easy Ways to Donate to Schools
It’s back to school for kids across the country. While this may be an exciting time for most, it’s also stressful for many kids. Why? Because there are countless families who can’t afford the basics when it comes to the dreaded back to school supplies list. Many children aren’t equipped with the basics: backpacks, pens, pencils, paper, and binders. According to Adopt a, K-12 teachers spend [Read more…]
Pumping Essentials for Every New Mother
Breastfeeding your child is a true gift that we, as women, are blessed to have. It can be a tough road to navigate in the beginning for many new mothers.
In a recent post I shared my own nursing struggles, check out My Breastfeeding Journey.
There are so many questions, physical and emotional changes, more questions, and DECISIONS! The decisions are endless! And now your decisions will not only affect you, but also your little bundle of joy. As they grow, so will the decisions that we make as their mother. Like my mom always says, “Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems!”
One of the first decisions we make as new moms is [Read more…]
My Breastfeeding Journey
My breastfeeding journey (like many first-time moms) began long before my little J was born.
It began with a question we all ask ourselves (and get asked by many). Breastfeed or bottle-feed? For me, I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. While I know that there are plenty of mothers who want nothing to do with it, I think breastfeeding is a challenge most moms are up for. Either way, it is a choice we are blessed to have.
What I didn’t know was what an emotional roller coaster I was in for. [Read more…]
DIY WubbaNub Nipple Replacement
My little J loves his WubbaNub friends! I bought the brown dog (named Henry by my husband) when he was just 2 months old, and I’ve been hooked ever since! The problem is when you’re 6 WubbaNubs deep and your teething toddler starts chewing through all of the nipples, it can be costly to replace them.
Instead, I decided to cut the ripped nipple off and sew on a new Soothie nipple. It only took about 15 minutes (to repair each WubbaNub) and [Read more…]
5 Tricks to Navigating the Dreaded Teething Years
I must confess before I had my son I never really gave a second thought about the teething stage for babies and toddlers. My only real concern was about how much sleep I was going to lose in those first few months. Looking back, I do remember these were always the two topics of conversation amongst my friends who already had kids. They all warned me and as they rambled off their horror stories, their struggles and suggestions for getting through it, their tips and tricks, I still only thought of one thing… [Read more…]