We are so excited because we were recently nominated for our first blogging award! This is exciting for us because we have been blogging for just under a year and it means a lot to be recognized.
We’re thankful to both For the Love of Teacher and Jattu Kallon for the nominations. Both are amazing blogs and it’s an honor to be nominated and recognized by them. For the Love of Teacher is a great blog dedicated to celebrating teaching as well as the collaboration of teachers. Jattu Kallon has an awesome lifestyle blog with a little bit of everything, not unlike our own blog. Be sure to check them both out!
The great thing about an award like this is that it tells us that we’re making an impact but it’s also an amazing way to showcase other blogs that recognize. We get to continue a great cycle by nominating 15 other bloggers and recognize them! It’s exciting to be able to spread the love to fellow bloggers.
How we got started:
From Under a Palm Tree really started with our mom, Lisa. Lisa always wanted to be a writer – she planted the seed for all of us. As a small business owner already, if occurred to her that blogging gives the freedom to express her love of all things creative. Pursuing published works is putting your creation in someone else’s care and blogging is about taking control of your passion. It was really when she saw a newspaper article (an old fashion printed copy) about a blog called A Mom’s Take. She quickly realized that it was time to put her love of writing and creative expression into something bigger.
And that’s how Meagan and I got on board. Lisa knew she couldn’t do it alone, but also knew it would be a fun and adventurous for her and Meagan and I. We all have a knack for creativity and writing so it was an exciting venture for all of us.

2 Pieces of advice:
- Persistence – Persistence has gotten us where we are today. It’s so important when pursuing something you’re passionate about to keep plowing ahead. Even when people are telling you shouldn’t or you can’t do it, but more importantly when you’re telling yourself you can’t do it. With everything we do in life, there will be roadblocks and obstacles but you must keep going and pushing yourself. We didn’t know much about blogging when we first started, but it was the willingness to learn and push ourselves that got us here today.
- Find your focus and passion – When we first started we were kind of all over the place. Sure, we knew we’re a lifestyle blog, but what’s our focus? There did seem to be one common thread through most of our posts – sustainability and eco-friendly practices. We realized that was our focus! It had been there all along. Once we understood our focus, we were able to move forward with clarity and know the direction in which we wanted to go. Find your focus – find your passion and what speaks to you. People appreciate your honesty and consistency.
With the nomination of this award, we also get to nominate 15 other great new bloggers! So here is a list of awesome bloggers:
- The Cloud Traveler – Travel Blogger Blog
- That’s SO Darling – Fashion & Beauty Blog
- Love, Megan Anne – Lifestyle & Advice Blog
- Claire Bear – Food, Travel, & Lifestyle Blog
- The Oily Analyst – Health & Wellness Blog
- Not So Put Together Mama – Mom Blog
- Just Breathe and Read – Healthy & Lifestyle Blog
- Joyful Iowan – Lifestyle Blog
- Brit Strawbridge – Simple Lifestyle Blog
- The Nostalgia Diaries – Nostalgia Blog
- The Mom Friend – Mom Blog
- Glitter & Love – Lifestyle Blog
- Curvy Logic – Health & Body Positivity Blog
- Tiny Stampede – Children’s Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
- The Heartbreak Diet – Mental Health Blog
When you get nominated be sure to pass it on! Here is a list of things to do when you’re nominated:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and give a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
- Comment on each blog to let them know you have nominated them and give the link to the post you created.

Christina is a twenty-something living with her beagle, Mash, and husband, Nate in their van. She loves traveling, shopping, art, and photography. She’s also a vegetarian, pop-culture enthusiast, book-lover, and Dave Matthews Band fanatic. Catch her somewhere around the country in a converted camper van or at home in Florida for a visit.
That’s so awesome that you’re getting recognized for your hard work! I definitely agree with the persistence thing! You just have to keep going!
Congratulations on your award. It is always lovely to have your work (especially if you are passionate about your work) openly recognized like this. Equally rewarding is the ability to pass on that recognition to others you see as being worthy and I’m looking forward to having a look at the blogs you have nominated. Well done again!
Thank you!
Wow it must be so cool to get nominated! You’re so right persistence is key, no matter what anyone thinks blogging is a lot of effort. Keep up the good work!
Cheers Mili
This is amazing! Thanks so much for the nomination! and congrats to you!
Yay! You are so welcome! Enjoy :)!
Love this and your insanely cool background… how fun are those flamingos?! Congrats!
lol thank you!!
Congratulations on the award 🙂 Also, I love the story of how you started out!
Thank you!!
Congrats! What an amazing accomplishment!
Thank you :)!!
Ah, thanks for the nomination! You are so sweet. And congrats on the award. Love your little piece of the web 🙂
You are so welcome!! We love your blog! And thank you :)!
This is so exciting! You deserve it!
Thank you!!
Congratulations! This is quite an accomplishment and I love that you are working with your mom. What a neat way to stay connected and grow your relationship. I also really appreciate your advice to persist and stay focused. It’s so easy to start getting distracted and want to write about the whatever is trending or popular. I like how you reviewed your posts and found your focus that way and then used that to know how to fine tune and move forward. Great job.
Wow congratulations on your award! You deserve it 🙂