I’m always amazed when I hear about the impractical, silly, or downright thoughtless gifts some of my friends have received. I’m talking about the same restaurant gift card 5 years in a row for people who rarely eat out. Or beautiful pierced earrings for a woman without pierced ears. Or the loud musical instrument for a child whose parents clearly disapproved of the “gift”! Those are the kind of gifts that leave a person wondering “What were they (the gift giver) thinking?” The thing is, they probably weren’t thinking. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad person, they probably just haven’t practiced how to be a thoughtful gift giver. And who’s gonna tell them they’re gifts are terrible?!

This simple guide on How To Be A Thoughtful Gift Giver can help anyone become a more considerate gift giver.
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Becoming a thoughtful gift giver isn’t hard, but it does take some effort. Maybe you’ve already started your holiday shopping, but if not check out these 3 Tips on How To Be A Thoughtful Gift Giver. They’re simple guidelines that can improve your gift-giving skills and have your friends and family jumping for joy!
3 Tips on How To Be A Thoughtful Gift Giver
- Think about the other person: Gift giving is about showing appreciation and kindness toward another person. Give them the gift THEY would want. Not the gift YOU would want. A considerate gift giver will stop and take the time to think about the recipient’s interests, personality, needs, and living situation.
- Plan ahead: Gift giving is just like any other task-if you wait till the last minute to complete it, it may not get done as well as you would have liked. Sitting down and thinking about another person’s interests, personality and lifestyle may take a little time. More importantly, finding a gift that fits the criteria may take a little more time too. Be on the lookout throughout the year for holiday and/or birthday gifts for your special people. Don’t procrastinate.
- Money isn’t everything: In the world of considerate gift giving, money isn’t even close to being the main issue. The amount of money we spend on a gift does not demonstrate care and affection. Especially when tip 1 and 2 are taken into consideration.
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Most people can tell when someone gave us a gift that took very little time or effort to pick out. It feels like a waste–a waste of their money and a waste of energy. The gift giver wasted energy purchasing the item and the gift recipient will waste energy deciding what to do with something they don’t want or need. Gifts should infuse us with positive energy not drain it from us.
Follow these 3 Tips on How To Be A Thoughtful Gift Giver so both you and the recipient of your gift are uplifted and filled with appreciation and gratitude.

What tips do you have on being a thoughtful gift giver? Please share in the comments below.
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Lisa is a mother of three lovely young women and is a new grandmother to a baby boy! She has been married to her high school sweetheart for more than thirty years. Lisa is originally from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, but has lived in the Tampa Bay area since 1984. Running a small business for over 25 years and raising a family has made for a busy, busy life with many ups and downs; it’s definitely been an adventure.
Lisa’s always involved in one project or another whether it’s work related or serving her community. She also recently went back to school to finish her bachelor’s degree in American Studies. Lisa tries to make every day a good day—that means learning something new, practicing kindness, and enjoying the present moment.
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