It’s that time of the year…time for another DIY handprint card! One of my favorite parts of the holidays is making handprint cards. This year, my son is finally at the age where he can make them almost completely by himself. My son’s favorite book series is Duck & Goose, we read at least one or two (out of 15 or so in the series) a night. So, when I asked if he wanted to make this Easter Chick Handprint Card for some family members, he was delighted. Below, you can find [Read more…]
Christmas Tree Magnet
With Christmas just about a week away, I’ve been doing some fun holiday crafts with my 3-year-old. A few weeks ago, during Thanksgiving, we made a turkey magnet which you can see here. It was so easy and quick that I decided to also make a Christmas Tree Magnet. We made a couple to give as gifts to grandparents and the few who can really appreciate a toddler’s one-of-a-kind artwork. [Read more…]
Christmas Tree Handprint Ornament
Every Christmas I love making special holiday-themed crafts with my son so that he can give them to grandparents and other family members. Sometimes we make handprint Christmas cards or festive DIY ornaments. This year I combined the two and made this Christmas Tree Handprint Ornament.
Thanksgiving Turkey Wind Blower
My 3-year-old son is finally at an age where we can do crafts together. I have found that over the past 6 months while teaching him the alphabet, I have used crafts to not only teach him letters but to also connect with him. Over Thanksgiving, we took a break from the alphabet to just focus on fun holiday activities. One of which is this [Read more…]
Thanksgiving Turkey Magnet
With Thanksgiving just about a week away, I’ve been doing some fun turkey crafts with my 3-year-old. One of my favorites is this Thanksgiving Turkey Magnet. Making this with J brought back some fond memories from when I was a kid. I don’t remember much from my early childhood but I do remember doing holiday crafts with my mom every year. I think that’s one of the reasons I make such a point to [Read more…]
DIY Race Car Box Halloween Costume
When I asked my 3-year-old son what he wanted to dress up as this Halloween, he said with confidence, “A racing car driver!” So I thought, ok this should be easy. I’ll just get a costume at Target or on Amazon and we’re set. Jumpsuit—check. Helmet—check. I thought I was done but to my surprise when my little firecracker tried on his new racing car driver costume, his next question was, “Where’s my car?” I LOL’d because he was right—how could I forget the car! So, I scoured the internet for boxcar costume ideas and found this DIY Race Car Box Halloween Costume. [Read more…]
Letter A Lesson Plan for Preschoolers
About 2 months ago I started teaching my 2 (almost 3) year old son the alphabet. At first, I thought singing the alphabet song over and over would get him interested but that was a big fail. Every time I’d start to sing he would say, “stop mommy, stop singing!” Ultimately, I decided on a different approach— the letter of week strategy.
Starting with the letters in his name, each week I concentrate on [Read more…]
DIY Snowman Ornaments
I tend to save scraps and odd pieces that are supposed to be discarded. I always think, “Hmmm…could I make something out of this?” That’s how I came up with these Snowman Ornaments. They are made from Ashland candle jar lids from Michaels (but you can use anything circular).
Every time I get a candle with a lid I [Read more…]
Turkey Football Footprint Card
If you’ve checked out any of my other posts you know I have a toddler that I love doing crafts with. Okay well maybe I’m doing the crafts and he’s chillin on the couch with his cars while I paint, glue, and glitter everything in my house. I’m hoping as he gets a little older he’ll enjoy making things with his momma a bit more. Right now, I’m working on a creative art space for my little man so check back soon for a blog post about that!
One of my favorite crafts to do with J around the holidays are hand and footprint cards for dad, grandparents, and other family members. I always try to give each card a cute holiday spin that will [Read more…]
DIY Calming Glitter Jar
I’ve been looking for a way to help calm my 2-year-old son when his temper gets the best of him. About 7 years ago a family member made this DIY Calming Glitter Jar for her daughter to serve the same purpose. I made a mental note to give it a try when my own child came along, you know if I needed it.
Fast forward 7 years, the terrible twos in full swing, and I’ve quickly learned that toddler tantrums are tough to deal with. When your crazed child is [Read more…]
DIY Custom Fridge Magnets
Do you ever see something at the store and think “I can make that”? I literally do that all the time and everyone always rolls their eyes because… can I really make that? Well over the weekend mom and I saw a really cute Christmas ornament and I said my signature catchphrase.
When I started explaining how we could actually make the ornament, I realized I’ve made something very similar before.I was instantly brought back to my days in the National Art Honor Society in High School. Back then we were making locker magnets and selling them to classmates, trying to raise money for art supplies.
Now it’s a fun little project for a rainy day. Make adorable emoji magnets or funky letters to arrange on the fridge.
Independence Day No-Bake Playdoh
With the fourth of July just around the corner, I know a lot of us will be visiting family and friends for pool parties, cook-outs, camping, and probably fireworks. Ahh fireworks!! As a kid, I loved them and always looked forward to the family outing at the local mall where our town gathered to watch the beautiful display of what we, as Americans, associate our Independence Day with. But as an adult and new mom, I’ve come to [Read more…]
DIY Father’s Day Space Ship Footprint Card
Since my son was born almost 2 years ago, I’ve made handprint or footprint cards for loved ones on every holiday. My sister makes jokes that I don’t have to buy a greeting card ever again.
Of course, that’s not entirely true; I’ve yet to make a Mother’s Day card for my mom with my own footprint. For babies and toddlers, on the other hand, there’s no better way to show how much they care than with a handmade card. For older kids, this DIY Father’s Day Space Ship Footprint Card is a fun way to use their imagination while expressing their love for Dad.