Bug bites can be an annoying part of outdoor adventures, but you don’t have to rely on store-bought solutions filled with artificial chemicals. With just a few natural ingredients, you can create your own DIY bug bite relief spray that soothes itchy, irritated skin and promotes healing.
Insect Scavenger Hunt
My son just turned 3 recently and I’m really starting to see this amazing personality shine through his tiny little body. He’s so lovable and outgoing—he’s the kid in Target that says hi to every single stranger that passes by. And he won’t stop saying hi until you respond! He’s also inquisitive—asking about a million questions a day about everything he sees, hears, or touches. Right now, he’s really into bugs! Most of the time, when he comes across a new insect that he’s never seen, his first reaction is, “Mommy look, it’s so cute.” Followed by “What is it?” “Can I hold it”? “Is it slimy”? And “I love it!” [Read more…]
5 DIY Natural Plant Insecticides
This is the time of year I like to go to my local nursery or the garden departments of all nearby big box stores. I try to stick to easy to grow plants as much as possible. Check out my post about Low Maintenance House Plants & 5 Essential Tips for their Care. But no matter how easy plants are to grow, they’ll still need some care. One item of business with plant care is [Read more…]
11 Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away
Now that summer is in full swing, many of us are spending a lot more time outdoors enjoying picnics, beach days, and just hanging out in the backyard. Unfortunately, outside activities can expose us, and our loved ones, to all kinds of dangerous situations—some minor and some not so minor.
One of those situations that may seem minor, but sometimes isn’t, are Mosquito bites. Mosquitos carry and spread all kinds of diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, West Nile virus, and Zika—to name a few. Over one million people worldwide die from Mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitos also transmit diseases and parasites to dogs and horses.