If you’ve read some of my recent posts, you know I’ve been kind of obsessed with sensory bins and fine motor development games. Both are great ways to help children explore and stimulate the 5 main senses. At the same time, they can help develop the skills needed to learn how to use their hands. Which is why I love this Feed the Turkey-Fine Motor Development Game.
Related: DIY Colored Beans for Sensory Play
I’ve been teaching my 3-year-old son the alphabet for the past 5 months and every week I try to incorporate some sort of sensory bin play or fine motor development game. I have found that this type of play best inspires his ability to learn, ask questions, and have fun. During the letter T week, I put together this simple fine motor development game that can also double as a fun Thanksgiving activity.
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While using the tongs to pick up and transfer pom-poms from the bin to the bottle, my son is able to practice using his hands in a way that’s necessary for full dexterity. “Feeding” the turkey pom-poms is his favorite part. He fills up the bottle, dumps it out, and then starts all over.

Related: DIY Magnetic Felt Fishing Game
Feed the Turkey-Fine Motor Development Game Supplies Needed:
- Plastic Container w/ Lid
- Empty Plastic Bottle (I used a Dunkin Donuts coffee drink bottle)
- Multicolored pom-poms
- Small kitchen tongs
- Colored Feathers
- Large Googly Eyes
- Construction Paper
- Hot Glue Gun
Related: Mini Construction Site Sandbox
Most of the supplies can be found at the dollar store and assembled quickly to make your own Feed the Turkey- Fine Motor Development Game. I store my game in a container with the lid so it can be used over and over.
Related: Underground Discoveries- Letter U Sensory Bin
What kind of fine motor development games do you like to play with your child? Share in the comments below.
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Hi! I’m Meagan and I’m a 41 year old mom of a high energy almost 9 year old, happily navigating my way through the little boy years. I’ve been married for 14 years. I met my husband over 20 years ago in high school; we got married 10 years later after graduating from the University of South Florida. I currently help run a family business with my parents while blogging about my life and love of DIY projects!
When I’m not at a kids sports game, I enjoy spending time with my family on a beach anywhere. I also love decorating and organizing, fun DIY projects, bargain shopping, and eating out or in! I also love Barbecue anything and a good show or movie on Netflix.
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