Nothing has turned my world upside down like having a child. In the best way, I feel like my life has done a complete 180. Suddenly everything revolves around eating and sleep schedules, dirty diapers, mounds of laundry, potty training, human training, cars and trucks, boo-boos, Mickey, and Blippi. Sometimes I feel like there’s no time for myself. My “me time” now consists of scheduled bubble baths and stolen moments of quiet on the swing-set. And that’s ok because as long as I fit them in, I’m making progress. Progress that’s necessary for me to stay happy and healthy as a mom. [Read more…]
Make Your Food Last Longer
A struggle I face on a weekly basis is trying to prevent tossing out my fruits and veggies that have either wilted or gotten moldy too soon. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be costly, especially if you’re buying organic – so I’ve started making a real effort to not just toss at first glance. Instead, I’ve been making a conscious effort to use wilted veggies like celery, spinach, and kale. But in order to prevent real waste I also needed to figure out a way to [Read more…]
5 Overnight Oatmeal Recipes
Who says you have to slave over a hot stove every morning making delicious homemade oatmeal?
It’s the 21st-century people and times have changed. Yeah, oatmeal is still the same- nutritiously packed full of fiber, fluffy, and filling but the way you cook it doesn’t have to be the same.
Caring for a one-and-a-half-year-old child and working full time is hard work. Making meals, doing laundry (diapers and clothes), fishing dog food from my child’s mouth, and picking up the hundreds of toy cars is a full-time job in itself. The last thing I want to do is [Read more…]
3 Guidelines to Help You Start Something New!
January is coming to an end, and many of us are settling into our busy routines. If you’re like me, you’re probably already working away on your resolutions and goals for the New Year. Many of my goals have often centered on getting better at or doing more of something I’m already working on. Yet regardless of what time of year it is, or what I’m already doing, it’s always a good time to start something new.
Learning and doing new things are physically and emotionally healthy.
Reflections and Mindful Resolutions
The year 2016 is over, and let’s face it, it was not pretty. Everywhere I turned – Facebook and Twitter – they all were counting down the seconds until 2017, hoping that the New Year would be different.
While we might hope that a new year will bring a new us, we have to recognize that years are just marked days on a calendar. Nothing really changes in those final seconds, nothing instantly transforms us. We still have to make conscious decisions to move forward and change. Entering 2017 does not erase 2016. We still have to remember the choices we made to get to 2017.
Without getting political or anything, it’s time to recognize that the world is changing. It’s time to do our part of working with it or against it. Resolutions don’t have to be about getting fit or quitting smoking. They can be about making a difference in the world. Because whether you believe it or not – one person can make a difference, and when we work together we change the world.