I love plants and flowers and have a lot of them at my house, but Aloe vera plants are definitely my favorite. They’re beautiful and easy to grow, of course; but it’s the goopy gel inside that I love. It’s like a magic potion! While Aloe vera’s translucent insides are probably the most well known as a super effective home remedy for minor burns and sunburn, they have so many more uses than that. These 4 Beauty Uses for Aloe Vera will probably turn this plant into one of your favorites too!
Simple DIY Bath Salts
The stress and anxiety surrounding the coronavirus these last few months has definitely made me want to jump in the tub more than usual. A lot more!! So much so that I’ve run out of bath bombs and bath salts. Since I make many of my own bath and skincare products, I already had everything I needed to make [Read more…]
Anti-Stress Lemongrass Bath Salts
Hot baths are one of my all-time favorite ways to decompress. It’s the answer to most things in my life. Feeling stress? Hot bath. Feeling sad? Hot bath. Feeling sore? Hot bath. Starting a new book. Hot bath. Got cramps? Hot bath. Got a chill? Hot bath… and probably grab a thermometer to check your temp. All jokes aside, there are very few things a hot bath can’t fix. That being said, the bubble bath is always a given but bath salts- now were talking. This recipe for Anti-Stress Lemongrass Bath Salts is [Read more…]
DIY Pumpkin Face Mask
Since Halloween is here it’s time to carve pumpkins into awesome jack o’ lanterns! Whether your jack o’ lantern is cool, creepy, spooky, or sassy, don’t toss out your pumpkin’s insides without putting them to good use too. These fall favorite fruits are full of vitamins and antioxidants so why not turn some of yours into this nourishing [Read more…]
DIY Body Butter

5 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips
If you’ve read any of my other posts, I’m sure you’ve gathered that I love DIYs, but only if they are
simple and easy. These 5 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips are my favorite beauty DIYs because they are
just that– so simple to use and friendly on [Read more…]