If you haven’t noticed by now, I am getting married this year. It’s less than 3 months away and while we’ve been planning nonstop, there’s always more to do. One important thing to do is plan the wedding ceremony.
My fiance – Nate – and I are both super nerdy and want to incorporate that into our wedding. One place we want to incorporate more nerdiness is in the ceremony. An obvious choice is a quote or reading but my concern has always been the unity ceremony.
Most unity ceremony ideas I’ve seen are of the standard garden variety. I have yet to find one that incorporates any kind of nerd-flare. Needless to say, I’ve been brainstorming for a while. For us, our 3 biggest fandoms are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Dr. Who. So anything we do has to incorporate one of those.
I’ve been scouring the internet to no avail, therefore, I have come up with some of my own ideas for a nerdy unity ceremony.
- Build something together – There are some unity ceremonies that have the bride and groom assembling a cross to represent their unity with each other and as well god. Here the idea is to build something together and to have your first act as husband and wife be to create a symbol of your love and commitment to each other. This symbol may very well be that of something you both love – a nerdy representation if you will:
- A Tardis
- A Pokeball
- The Deathly Hallows Symbol
- Pretty much any symbol of your favorite fandom
Related: Nerd Engagement Photos
2. Tardis Time Capsule – I’ve seen a lot of time capsule ideas – nail in the box, wine boxes, etc. A Tardis Time Capsule is a play on these ideas. The idea is that couple writes letters to their future selves to open after 1 year of marriage, 5 years, 10 years or however long they want. What makes it even better is that the container of this letter is a fictional time machine. If you love Dr. Who, it all makes sense.

3. House Unity Ceremony – This is a play on the typical sand ceremony. In Harry Potter, there are 4 Hogwarts houses that most Harry Potter fans sort themselves into. Each house has a corresponding set of colors:

- Gryffindor – Red and Gold
- Slytherin – Green and Silver
- Ravenclaw – Blue and Bronze
- Hufflepuff – Yellow and Black
The idea here is to combine the colors of the bride and groom’s identifying houses together. Our houses are Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff so we would combine blue and yellow together. It can be done with sand, marbles, or even water – perhaps in a glass bottle similar to a potion bottle. There are all kinds of different sand ceremony scripts you can find, they just have to be altered to incorporate your Hogwarts house.
This could also work for a Game of Thrones style unity ceremony as they too have houses.
Related: Harry Potter Wedding Sand Ceremony
*Find all your favorite characters of Harry Potter when you shop at HalloweenCostumes.com!

Related: DIY Harry Potter Wedding Cake Topper
Related: Nerdy Rustic Barn Wedding
There you have it, 3 nerdy unity ceremony ideas. I have yet to come up with any relating to Lord of the Rings that really makes sense for both the ceremony and the series. A more obvious option is to do something relating to rings rather than a unity ceremony. But please let me know if you come up with something!
What did you think of these nerdy ceremony ideas? Have we gone too far? Has anyone done something like this before that know? Please let me know in the comments below!
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Christina is a twenty-something living with her beagle, Mash, and husband, Nate in their van. She loves traveling, shopping, art, and photography. She’s also a vegetarian, pop-culture enthusiast, book-lover, and Dave Matthews Band fanatic. Catch her somewhere around the country in a converted camper van or at home in Florida for a visit.
Oh my goodness I have so many friends who need to see this post. Brilliant! Going to pass this along to a nerdy fiance friend of mine.
Yay! I hope they like it!
I never thought of myself as nerdy but I love your ideas. Very creative.
These are such original ideas. Love them. How special would it be to make them together!
I love all of these wedding ideas. The Harry Potter idea is definitely my favorite. Thanks for sharing.
I like the colored sand idea to represent your houses! How fun would that be?!
These ideas are seriously so fun! I’m definitely a nerd at heart.