About a month and a half ago I started a program called Beach Body. It usually involves Shakeology, your choice of exercise regime, and probably meal prepping. You can read my post here, all about meal prepping and starting with this program.
Now that some time has passed since I began I’ve had some time to adjust and make changes. I started this program with the mindset of wanting to change my lifestyle. I didn’t want to diet and lose weight for the time being. I wanted to change my bad habits into good habits. And it worked – for a while.
I think the thing I struggle with the most is exercising. I’m really not a big fan of it. At first, I was extremely disciplined. I exercised every day. Every. Single. Day. It wasn’t perfect, I didn’t always finish, and I definitely wasn’t great at it.
Now I’m at that point where I’m really struggling, daily, to find the motivation to exercise. I sincerely don’t know what it is. Because it is actually true what everyone says, you do feel great after you do it. Maybe it’s because I’ve fallen out of the pattern and routine of it, maybe that’s what’s gotten me down.
For instance, this week, I’m on my period, I’m sick, and BECAUSE I’m on my period and hormones are flying in every direction, I get migraines every night when I come home from work. I’m sorry but I’m just not down to do an all-out work-out when every down dog leaves me feeling dizzy and nauseous. But that’s just this week.
There are some days I just need a break. Especially those meal prepping days. I spend an hour or so on my feet shopping for the food and then another 3 hours preparing it. It’s Sunday night and I’m ready for Once Upon a Time! Everyone needs rest.
As I write this I know it all sounds very negative. Up until this point, it’s been a great experience. I’ve lost 10 pounds and 10 inches! The best thing to do, I think, is get right back into it. I have to push myself – I have to remember why I’m doing this in the first place: FOR ME.
I started to think about some alternatives to the exercise DVDs. Maybe going to the apartment gym, maybe take a walk. But then I realize one of the main reasons I hate exercising is because I’m so lazy. So making the extra effort to get out of my apartment doesn’t make much sense.
No, the best thing to do is just push myself, no matter how much I really don’t want to. Just do it. Damn it Nike was right.

I think every time we try to make big changes in our lives it’s difficult unless we truly want it. I’m not terribly overweight. I just want to be better and sometimes that’s where the struggle lies. Because it’s not a huge change, it’s a bunch of little changes.
What are some of the struggles you’ve faced? I’m curious, I can’t be the only one who hates exercising this much. Please let me know in the comments below what your thoughts on the subject are.
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Christina is a twenty-something living with her beagle, Mash, and husband, Nate in their van. She loves traveling, shopping, art, and photography. She’s also a vegetarian, pop-culture enthusiast, book-lover, and Dave Matthews Band fanatic. Catch her somewhere around the country in a converted camper van or at home in Florida for a visit.
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