Just over a month ago I got married! And now I can finally share all the intricate details.
Related: I Got Married
One thing that was really important to Nate and I when planning the wedding was to get the ceremony right. We’re not religious people and we didn’t have the traditional officiant so we planned the entire ceremony ourselves. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted unity ceremony. But not just any unity ceremony, I wanted something that truly reflected Nate and I’s interests as a couple – in other words – something nerdy.
Save up to 35% on Harry Potter books, toys, and gifts at Books-A-Million.com!
I looked all over the internet for something Harry Potter, Doctor Who, even Lord of the Rings related but I couldn’t find anything. I came up with a few of my own ideas which I wrote a post on a few months ago – Nerdy Wedding Ceremony Ideas.
I ended up writing my own Harry Potter Sand Ceremony. Based on traditional sand ceremonies, I found a way to interweave Harry Potter references as well as tie it back to Nate and me.
I wrote a script that can be translated to for any couple to use! I encourage all Harry Potter fans to check it out! Just replace the names and the houses.
Harry Potter Sand Ceremony Script:
Nate of Hufflepuff House
Christina of Ravenclaw House
Today, as you join your two separate lives together, you will also join your two houses together.
The two bottles of sand symbolize your separate lives and separate houses.
Nate, your sand is yellow for Hufflepuff, where those are just, loyal, and unafraid of toil.
Christina, your sand is blue for Ravenclaw, where wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.
As you both pour your sand together into this vessel, you bind your lives and your houses together.
Just as the grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into individual containers, so will your marriage be.
Alternative Houses:
Gryffindor – Red Sand -“Where dwell the brave at heart.”
For Slytherin – Green Sand – “Where those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends.”
Related: How to Make Your Wedding Ceremony Unique

*The black is where I tried to glue a silhouette of Hogwarts to the jar but the sand got behind it anyway
Supplies needed to replicate our ceremony:
- Sand – You can find colored sand at craft stores but I dyed my own with soap dye.
- 2 Mini Glass Bottles with a cork – used for the individual sand containers – from Michaels
- Jar with a lid (Michaels) – This is the vessel to be used to pour the sand into together at the ceremony. Make sure it has a lid so it can be secured without spilling.
- Vinyl Sticker of names and wedding date – I found a store on Etsy that sells vinyl sticker decals individually for much cheaper than stores advertising vinyl stickers specifically for sand ceremony decals.
Shop the new Harry Potter Collection from ALEX AND ANI
I used small bottles that looked like potion bottles to hold the sand so I knew I had to use a small vessel to pour it into. You can use larger bottles with corks but just be sure to get a larger vessel to pour it into.
Related: Nerd Engagement Photos
Good luck internet! I hope you use this because I had so much fun writing it. I think that it could also double as a Game of Thrones sand ceremony because of the houses with some word changes.
Related: DIY Harry Potter Wedding Cake Topper
Please let me know if you use this! And let me know in the comments if you did anything nerdy or something special relating to you and your significant other in your wedding!
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Christina is a twenty-something living with her beagle, Mash, and husband, Nate in their van. She loves traveling, shopping, art, and photography. She’s also a vegetarian, pop-culture enthusiast, book-lover, and Dave Matthews Band fanatic. Catch her somewhere around the country in a converted camper van or at home in Florida for a visit.
I love harry potter and this idea! So awesome! I will definitely be saving this!
xx Laura
These are so cute and easy! Plus the possibilities are endless!
What a sweet script! And wow, congratulations! You really have put so much effort and thought into the details and how it could be personal to the both of you. It really is beautiful.
I love this idea. I am a huge harry potter fan
I would have never thought of this. How unique!
That is so cool…congratulations!!!
First congrats on getting married 🙂
This is a really cool idea. I love it when people do something unconventional for their wedding. Since its such a special day it should be unique to you and your husband. And I feel like watching Harry Potter now lol