It’s a new year and that means it’s also back to the grindstone, as mom always says. With Christmas and New Years, it feels like months since I’ve been on a normal schedule with J. The past 6 months I’ve been consumed with letter of the week crafts and activities, finishing letter z the week before Christmas. We took the next 2 weeks off but we’re back at it and coming in strong this new year with phone number practice. This is what you need to know about Teaching Your Child Their Phone Number.
Related: Teach Your Child How to Call 911
Teaching Your Child Their Phone Number: here’s how to do it
Juice Box Koozie
I hot glued felt around a juice box and attached a phone keypad to the front. Above the keypad, I glued on the phone number that I wanted my son to practice. Now, I don’t normally give J very much juice but he’s been a little constipated recently so he’s been drinking more juice than normal. This was a cute way to practice his phone number while having lunch or a snack.

Popsicle Stick Phone Number Matching
I painted a wide popsicle with white acrylic paint and then wrote the phone number that I wanted J to memorize on it. On mini clothes pins I also wrote the same phone number so that J could use them to match the sequence as we sang the phone number aloud together. Towards the end of the week he was saying the phone number by himself.

Related: How to Teach a Toddler the Alphabet
J loves music and singing so every chance we get—in the car, on the toilet, before nap or bedtime we sang his phone number (don’t forget your area code). Singing it in an upbeat tune really helped him remember his phone number.
Do-A-Dot iPhone Printable
Finally, I used this great printable from One Mom and a Blog. It’s an up-to-date iPhone printable, which is hard to find! I just hand wrote the emergency button in and colored the phone button green for a more realistic look. For daily Do-A-Dot exercises, I recommend laminating your printable and getting these Do-A-Dot markers on Amazon. They’re perfect for all kinds of preschooler activities.

Related: Insect Scavenger Hunt
You can also incorporate some other activities that I used in my Teach Your Child How to Call 911 post. By far, the popsicle stick activity was J’s favorite and, I think, the most effective when it came to memorizing the number sequence.
Are you trying to teach your child his or her phone number? If so and you’ve got some ideas for me, please share them in the comments below.
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Hi! I’m Meagan and I’m a 41 year old mom of a high energy almost 9 year old, happily navigating my way through the little boy years. I’ve been married for 14 years. I met my husband over 20 years ago in high school; we got married 10 years later after graduating from the University of South Florida. I currently help run a family business with my parents while blogging about my life and love of DIY projects!
When I’m not at a kids sports game, I enjoy spending time with my family on a beach anywhere. I also love decorating and organizing, fun DIY projects, bargain shopping, and eating out or in! I also love Barbecue anything and a good show or movie on Netflix.
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