My 3 and a half-year-old son LOVES cars! He loves all things that go including monster trucks, planes, buses, emergency vehicles and motorcycles. He likes to get his head down real close to the ground and watch the wheels move back and forth. He’s always asking what each feature in my car does. And he points out every car manufacturer while we’re driving. It’s amazing how much he knows about cars. So I decided to give him something fun to do while we’re in the car- this [Read more…]
DIY Valentine’s Day Bubble Blower
Bubbles are one of my son’s favorite outdoor activities. Not only does he love to blow them but he also loves to run around and chase them. I don’t know what it is about bubbles that kids go crazy for but I don’t care because I know when I take them out it’s at least a good 30 minutes of fun and running around. My favorite time to play with bubbles is right before nap time—the running around gets him [Read more…]
Master Bedroom Closet Reorganization Tips
Last year, for our anniversary, my husband gave me one of the best gifts he’s ever gotten me…a closet makeover! For the past 9 years, we’ve had the same closet with the standard wire racks all around the top. While this type of closet design is fine for most, my husband and I had been using separate closets for the past 9 years- me using our master bedroom closet and him using our son’s playroom closet. We both have way too many clothes and shoes and not enough space so it was time for a change! After multiple rack falls and fixes, I reorganized [Read more…]
Teaching Your Child to Count to 10 in Spanish
Now that I’ve finished teaching my 3 year old son the alphabet (it took the whole latter part of last year), I’ve started the new year off with a lesson plan that covers a spectrum similar to a preschool classroom. Being that I still bring J to work with me everyday, I do my very best to stick to a lesson plan that I outline each Sunday night. It covers writing/spelling/reading, math, science, logic/thinking, and my two flex subjects- fine motor skills and [Read more…]
Teaching Your Child Their Phone Number
It’s a new year and that means it’s also back to the grindstone, as mom always says. With Christmas and New Years, it feels like months since I’ve been on a normal schedule with J. The past 6 months I’ve been consumed with letter of the week crafts and activities, finishing letter z the week before Christmas. We took the next 2 weeks off but we’re back at it and coming in strong this new year with phone number practice. This is what you need to know about [Read more…]
Christmas Tree Magnet
With Christmas just about a week away, I’ve been doing some fun holiday crafts with my 3-year-old. A few weeks ago, during Thanksgiving, we made a turkey magnet which you can see here. It was so easy and quick that I decided to also make a Christmas Tree Magnet. We made a couple to give as gifts to grandparents and the few who can really appreciate a toddler’s one-of-a-kind artwork. [Read more…]
Christmas Tree Handprint Ornament
Every Christmas I love making special holiday-themed crafts with my son so that he can give them to grandparents and other family members. Sometimes we make handprint Christmas cards or festive DIY ornaments. This year I combined the two and made this Christmas Tree Handprint Ornament.
DIY Hot Wheels Christmas Tree
This DIY Hot Wheels Christmas Tree is perfect for boys and girls who love cars! In this post, you’ll find links and a full tutorial on how to turn Hot Wheels cars into the cutest Christmas tree ornaments.
If you’ve read some of my older posts, you know my son is obsessed with cars. I imagine most little boys his age are so, with Christmas right around the corner, I decided to make my little guy this DIY Hot Wheels Christmas Tree.
If you’re feeling adventurous, this is a fun project to do with your kids plus when it’s complete they’ll be so excited to see their handy work!
Thanksgiving Turkey Wind Blower
My 3-year-old son is finally at an age where we can do crafts together. I have found that over the past 6 months while teaching him the alphabet, I have used crafts to not only teach him letters but to also connect with him. Over Thanksgiving, we took a break from the alphabet to just focus on fun holiday activities. One of which is this [Read more…]
3 Tips on How To Be a Thoughtful Gift Giver
I’m always amazed when I hear about the impractical, silly, or downright thoughtless gifts some of my friends have received. I’m talking about the same restaurant gift card 5 years in a row for people who rarely eat out. Or beautiful pierced earrings for a woman without pierced ears. Or the loud musical instrument for a child whose parents clearly disapproved of the “gift”! Those are the kind of gifts that leave a person wondering “What were they (the gift giver) thinking?” The thing is, they probably weren’t thinking. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad person, they probably just haven’t practiced how to be a thoughtful gift giver. And who’s gonna tell them they’re gifts are [Read more…]
Thanksgiving Turkey Magnet
With Thanksgiving just about a week away, I’ve been doing some fun turkey crafts with my 3-year-old. One of my favorites is this Thanksgiving Turkey Magnet. Making this with J brought back some fond memories from when I was a kid. I don’t remember much from my early childhood but I do remember doing holiday crafts with my mom every year. I think that’s one of the reasons I make such a point to [Read more…]
50 Gifts For The Person Who Has Everything
Christmas is just around the corner! Yay!! I just started my shopping the other day at T.J. Maxx and as I bent over the jewelry counter to look at some earrings, I said to myself, “ NOOOO…do not buy any of the girls another pair of earrings! They don’t need them!!” (Of course, I considered getting them for myself, but that’s another subject). I got to thinking about what gifts I could get the special people in my life in the way of experiences instead of [Read more…]
Feed the Turkey- Fine Motor Development Game
If you’ve read some of my recent posts, you know I’ve been kind of obsessed with sensory bins and fine motor development games. Both are great ways to help children explore and stimulate the 5 main senses. At the same time, they can help develop the skills needed to learn how to use [Read more…]
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