It’s my birthday month! Technically it’s the time of the Virgo, but come September 23rd, it’ll be Libra season!
I know it has been a while since I posted. I have been traveling to the Pacific North West for a series of Dave Matthews Band concerts and visiting friends. We’re currently hanging out in Washington and loving it! I promise to share more on that soon.
Like I said, it’s my birthday month – September, 23rd 1990 I was born and this year I am turning 28! So I wanted to do a bit of a theme this month. I want to introduce myself a little bit. In this post, you will get to know me and 28 things all about me and my life.

28 Things About Me:
- I am absolutely obsessed with music! It is an essential part of my life and a day that I go without listening to something I love is a sad day.
- One of my all-time favorites Bands is The Dave Matthews Band. I have seen the Dave Matthews Band 39 times as of this summer! 11 shows this summer alone! See – A DMB Kind of Summer
- I am also a big Taylor Swift fan! Although, it didn’t start until a little later in life – I have seen her at least once a tour since the Speak Now Tour and I am OBSESSED with Reputation.
- Other favorite bands include Lord Huron, The Killers, The Spill Canvas, and Brand New.
- I have a dog that I absolutely adore, named Mash. He’s a beagle/hound mix that doesn’t act like a beagle. (I also just really love dogs. They make everything better.)
- I am living in a van and traveling the country with my husband, Nate, and our dog Mash.
- We’ve been to 29 states!
- We actually built out our entire van ourselves. We bought a 2002 Dodge Ram Van, named her Winchester (Winnie for short) and gutted it then rebuilt her from the bottom up. It took about 3 months and we learned a lot.
- I have been a vegetarian for 10 years this month. I swore when I turned 18 that I would be a vegetarian and it has been 10 years now. I will eat fish once in a while; I never buy dairy milk but cheese is my big downfall. Otherwise, I try to lead a semi-vegan lifestyle. The way I put it to all who ask is – I make my own rules. I don’t eat pork, chicken, beef, or any other poultry. If I do accidentally eat meat I get violently ill.
- I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management – Management Organizational Leadership with a specialty in Sustainability.
- I get a migraine about once a month. It’s been happening since as long as I can remember.
- I’m a big nerd for TV Shows and Books. Especially anything fantasy related. See: 5 Supernatural Shows to Binge Watch
- Harry Potter is one of my all-time favorites! I started reading the series when I was 11 years old and it was such an influential part of my life and will always hold a special place in my heart. I’ve probably read each Harry Potter book at least 10 times each.
- I’ve also been to many a midnight movie opening as well as midnight book premiers! (Some in costume… some winning costumes :P)
- Even my wedding was nerdy themed! See: Nerdy Rustic Barn Wedding
- I’m currently reading Lord of the Rings out loud to my husband.
- I’m also currently re-reading The Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare (to myself).
SaleThe Infernal Devices, the Complete Collection (Boxed Set): Clockwork Angel; Clockwork Prince; Clockwork Princess- Clare, Cassandra (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 1760 Pages - 09/01/2015 (Publication Date) - Margaret K. McElderry Books (Publisher)
- I am the middle child of 3 girls! My older sister, you know, Meagan is 7 years older than me and Grace is 9 years younger than me.
- I love art! I’ve always been more creatively inclined than anything else. Drawing, painting, photography – I love it.
- Hockey is just about the only sport I will watch and actually enjoy. My extended family is all from Detroit so hockey is in our blood. But we’re all very big Tampa Bay Lightning fans.
- I don’t really drink alcohol. When I drink I end up getting headaches WHILE I’m drinking so it’s just no fun.
- I have 2 tattoos. A fire dancer – the symbol of the Dave Matthews Band – on my right arm. And a trumpet on my left fore-arm – not because I play – I’ve been inspired by the trumpet player from DMB and I just love it.
- I’ve recently been getting more into astrology and I just found out I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio moon, and Scorpio Rising. I find most of my astrological sign characteristics pretty accurate. I also find it fascinating that there are other Libras out there like me!
- I have a very obsessive personality. I get obsessed with something – sometimes lasting years – and then I kind of burn myself out on it. Afterward, those things tend to go into a vault and I love them forever. Obsessions are usually bands, books, and TV Shows.
- I don’t really like movies. The reason is because of my obsessiveness – I need more content when the movie is over. I often find after I watch a movie I’m googling it and reading all about it. I like watching movies in theaters and once in a while at home, but usually, I’ll put on a show rather than a movie in my free time. I just like long-form entertainment and story-telling because I always want more!
- I’ve seen every episode of Friends AT LEAST 10 times.
- Since my obsession with the Dave Matthews Band started in 2010, I have had one big dream. That was to see them play at the Gorge Amphitheater in George, Washington. It’s 3 days of concerts, 5 days of camping, and it’s always Labor Day weekend. We’ve never been able to go because my husband is a high school football coach. But this year because we’re traveling we were finally able to make it happen. And it was truly a dream come true. More on that soon!
- Another dream of mine for the past few years has been to see the desert. I can now say I have fulfilled this dream as well! On our way to Washington, we drove through Texas and parts of New Mexico. We plan on going back and spending more time there but I can definitely say I was satisfied.
- Bonus Fact (because there’s always an extra for good luck): I love recycling!!! Seriously, recycling is one of my biggest passions. I love being green and eco-friendly but recycling is when I get really excited.
And there you have it! 28 facts about myself. I hope you feel like you got to know me a little more. I don’t usually like to talk about myself so this was an interesting post to write.
Also, do I have any other Libras in the house? Let me know in the comments below!

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Christina is a twenty-something living with her beagle, Mash, and husband, Nate in their van. She loves traveling, shopping, art, and photography. She’s also a vegetarian, pop-culture enthusiast, book-lover, and Dave Matthews Band fanatic. Catch her somewhere around the country in a converted camper van or at home in Florida for a visit.
Enjoyed reading about you! I’m also a Libra (Oct 8). Love that you’re living out of a van and moving around the US. I’ve read articles online about others doing it but first time I meet someone doing it 😀
Yay Libras! Yeah living in a van is growing more and more popular! It’s definitely been interesting.
Great to meet you!! I have also watched every episode of FRIENDS countless times and now my one and a half year old’s favourite song is the FRIENDS theme!
That’s so funny because my nephew sings the friends theme song too! That’s awesome!
Love this! I am also a libra so you’ve made me excited about birthday month. Love your dog and harry potter obsession 🙂
Yess go Libras!! And yes for dogs and HP! :)!
I always love learning more about the person behind the blog. Thanks for all the insight. I hope you have a fantastic birthday! My hubby’s birthday is on the 20th! 🙂
Aw yay! Happy Birthday to him!
The first time I saw the Dave Matthews Band was back in the early 90s in Athens GA. It was just when they were starting to become popular. Still remember that concert vividly!
Omg that must have soo cool to see them back in the day. What I would give to go back in time and see them then! I think it’s so amazing that this band has been around for 25 years and they’re still bringing in new fans and new generations. It’s truly an amazing thing and I love them so much for everything they’ve given me.
I love the fact that you are touring the country in a van that you have built yourselves. I really wish I could do something like that!
I know it’s not easy for everyone but it’s so worth it to travel. You could even rent a van and travel for a little while 😉
It looks like you had a very hectic but enjoyable summer traveling around the country with husband and dog in tow. Having one’s dreams come true by the age of 28 must be some kind of astrological milestone…
It’s been truly amazing to travel and see the country. Sometimes I just have to stop and soak it in.
I love this, wow you’ve seen friends a lot! I love Harry Potter too, I still watch it and try to get the kids to watch it with me 🙂
Yesss I’m sure they’ll love it in time lol
you seem like a cool person… it’s always fun to learn more about a person. I too, have watched Friends many many times, such a fantastic show! I also get monthly migraines (well about 3 a month around my monthly period… no fun!) And music is a huge part of my life ; )
fun read!
Wow.. But I’m a gemini. It feels great to read and know about the other bloggers because our path shall cross because our route is same, blogging. I really hope you have a great birthday.
We have few things in common I do love Harry poter for sure, I am vegetarian . Just loved reading about you. I must say you are a honest personality.
Yay~! Harry Potter and vegetarianism bringing people together! I love it!
That is amazing to make yourself feel special on your birthday 🙂
It’s nice to know anything about a blogger like me 🙂
I enjoyed reading this post. I hope you have a lovely birthday celebration. Birthday seasons are the best.
Thank you so much! <3
What an adventure to live in a van. Something that attracts us for years. Blogging can be the best combination with full time living in a van. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Thank you! Yes blogging is awesome being on the road. It’s a nice way to keep everyone updated and share all my adventures!
Oh, wow! Happy birthday in advance! 🙂 We have 2 things in common: 1. I love Dave Mathews Band too and I saw them perform live back in 2004 in Houston, Texas. 2. I am also a middle sister of five girls in my family. 🙂
Yay to all those things! I’ve seen DMB in Houston too. We saw them at the Woodlands in 2014! And that’s awesome and crazy that you’re the middle child of 5 wow!
That is so cool that you get to travel so much. I would love that kind of an adventure. And I’m also Jealous you got to see Dave Matthews at that venue. I would say given a big miss there on the travels you should come out to California at least once 😉 . Just my own personal opinion.
We are definitely coming to California! We couldn’t travel the country and not go. We also know a lot of people in California so we have lots of people to visit too.
This is a really great, fun and interesting way to make your day extra special. It’s very awesome that you get to travel to so many places. This is such a nice share 🙂
Happy 28th Birthday on Sunday! 🙂 First day of fall, too – how about that! How fun to learn more about you with your 28 things. I’ve also done this kind of post a few times. I see you have a marker in the state of Maine. That’s where I live. What part of Maine did you visit?
We went to Portland! It was one of my favorite places we visited. Unfortunately we kind of ran out of time for more exploring in Maine. I know there are so many other places to go. But I really loved Portland.
What a thrill to meet another music lover… even though our genres differ! I love that you and hubby are traveling the country. I always wanted to see all of the US. I’ve seen a lot but, there are places on my heart.This was a joy to read and to get to know a few things about you. <3